19. The Most Awaited Night

Start from the beginning

Navneet shook her head at their stupid perceptions.

Seeing the noisy woman scurry away baffled Navneet made her way over to both of them, to investigate about the new revelations.

"Hey guys, can you tell me
Who is she?"

She asked at once. As
the girls knew her as a daily acquaintance.

"You don't know her?"
Navneet shook her head at their enquiry.

"Well, she is the wedding planner for the event and as per the new information she is the childhood friend and girlfriend of Mr Randhawa junior, as you heard."
The taller girl said, rolling her eyes.

"Is she saying the truth?"
Nivi asked her heart missing a beat.

"I can't say, as she always boasts around.
This wedding event company belongs to her father and she comes occassionally, just to order around.

But they are family friends with the Randhawas."

"And even if she is one percent true, the poor guy's life is going to turn into hell.

Nobody deserves such punishment."

They added one after the other giggling, without realising the severeness of the tornado turning in front of them, and Nivi stepped away to release some anger.

'calm down, Nivi.
She was just boasting around.

She is just an obsessive maniac, trying to order people around.
They won't do this to your family. He won't do it.
Just hang on.'

She started to pace back and forth, at the other end of the garden, which was away from Rajveer's eyes.

Realising her absence, he finally decided to have had his enough of his morning workdose and get some free time to bicker with his Nivi, following her around.

Here she was waiting for her lazy ass best friend to showup and do something for her anxiety.

As soon as she saw his figure looming near releasing a big yawn, she charged at him and landed a painful slap on his shoulder, earning a loud oompf from him.

"Help me, guru.
I'm losing it."
Gurbaaz moved around, trying to dodge her flailing hands.

"Take a deep breath, and explain, okay.
Then we will go to the psychiatrist. Comeon 1,2,3.."
He held her shoulders and consoled her.

"I don't know, I'm not supposed to feel like this. At least not this early.

I'm getting jealous and possessive over somebody, whom I have no rights on.
I couldn't bear her declaration of being his girlfriend."
Nivi expressed to her best friend.

"And what do you feel now?" He asked.

"I just feel like wanting to claw her cateyes out and ruin her caked face, that arrogant bi**h."
Gurbaaz shook his head at her violent tendencies.

"I suppose that he is your future fiance, Rajveer. Right?"
He sighed at her, as she nodded.

"Please help me."
Nivi went ahead seeking comfort in the arms of her best friend.

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