Chapter 20: The Talk

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I still kept my smile and stared at him. "You're stuck in this fantasy about you and I in the past, you-" He cut me off.

"No, I-" I gently clasped his shoulders to stop him from talking. 

"What did you tell me earlier when you confessed?"

His eyebrows knitted. "I told you that I loved-" His jaw dropped.

"See?" I started caressing on his shoulders. "It's only you that's holding yourself back. It's the old you that loved me, its the old you that you kept holding on." He just stared at me, stunned. His eyes full of realization. 

This time, he finally understand.

"I see the way you look at Lisa, Kook." I continued. "What you guys got? That's something special." I beam my brightest smile at him.

He looked down. "I've hurt her too much, I don know if I can still-"

"Then, get her already, you piece of shit!" He heard someone talked at the back and saw Taehyung.

"How-" He interrupted me.

"She's hurting obviously," Taehyung scowled at him. "So why don't you make up for it? Make her happy starting now."

Jungkook stood up. "Y-You're right, I-"

"Of course, I'm right!" Taehyung grunted. "In the left alleyway, second floor of the parking lot."

Jungkook stared at him, confused. "Go! Now!" He was startled but immediately dashed away from us, going after Lisa by Taehyung's instructions.

I looked back at him and smiled. "How long have you been there?"

"Since you've been stalking them talking." He narrowed his eyes at me.

I frowned. "Yeah? Well, you're a stalker's stalker."

He chuckled and slowly nodded. "I guess, I am." He proceed to walk near and sit to where Jungkook occupied earlier.

"Now, its our time to talk." He stated.

I immediately looked away and take the initiative to stood up but he grabbed my hand and hold it tight. "You're not running away from me ever again."

"Let go of me, Mr. Kim." I ordered.

He frowned. "Why do you always call me that?" He look confused. I didn't answer.

He continued. "Tell me, why are you avoiding me, Jisoo?"

"Why do you care?" I asked back.

"Oh, I do care. I'm hurt." I was quite shocked at his direct declaration. But still, I keep straight staring at him, showing him no emotions.

"And it is not my business already." I said. 

"Oh, come one Chi!" He just scoffed. "Don't act like you don't have feelings for me because I know you do."

"That was in the past, I've moved on-" I was cut off when he suddenly crashed his lips on mine. Startled, I froze. 

But when he started moving, without thinking straight I closed my eyes and respond back. 

Then, he pulled back and lean his forehead on mine. "See? You still do and I do, too. I like you, Chi. So what's stopping you? What's stopping us to let this happen?" 

His gaze met mine. I let my emotions take over again. 

I started crying.

"We can't," I pushed him gently. "It's too complicated."

He let out a deep sigh. "If this is about the past. Chi, please. I can help you, I can-"

"How can someone who looks like him can help me move on," I said, my voice sounded distant. 

He step back, looking distressed. 

But I didn't care. 

I continued. "Even looking at you, makes me blood boil. It drives me mad."

"A-are you talking about my f-father?" He scoffed in disbelief. He went back into sitting and looked up in the sky. 

Tears started falling in his eyes.

"Then, that makes the two of us."


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