| E I G H T |

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A/N: thx sm for 1k. I lost quite a bit of readers for this book so please help me promote this book if you can!

An hour later, we finished cleaning up and Narcissa left with the baked goods. Of course she offered to pay us but we turned her down on that. I had fun really. The only thing I didn't like was that Knott guy. He was looking at me a lot.

Then about 30 minutes after Narcissa left, people began to file in.

"Tell me you got weed." Ellie tugged on Draco's arm and he chuckled, but nodded. "I fucking love you."

"She already had two champagne flutes." George sighed and pulled his fiancé away from Draco.

"Oh! Brooke I bought you clothes since I though you would want to change out of your baking clothes." El said and gave me a bag.

"None for me?" Fred asked, he didn't care, he was just being stupid.

"You look sexy in anything." I whispered and bit my bottom lip. "Jeans and a white shirt. God."

"Want me to come with you."

"In a way." I winked.

"Half a bottle of wine and you're already drunk." He sighed and guided me out of the already crowded room, and to a bathroom.

"Listen, I'm still super sore so no fucking." I said as he took off my shirt.

"I'm not going to fuck you in Malfoy's bathroom." Fred chuckled.

"I wouldn't be surprised." I muttered.

"What is wrong with El." He mumbled as he held up a lavender coloured tube top, followed with black jean shorts.

"It goes cause I'm wearing my lacey bra." It was black with a nice threaded design on the straps. I pulled on the tube top, pulling it down so it showed off some cleavage, then took took off my jeans and pulled on the ripped black jean shorts.

"Totally taking a body shot off you tonight." He said in a strong breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, let's go princess." He said and opened the door, then took my hand and took me back out to the party.

"Now that's the shit." Ellie squealed and hugged me. "Fucking hot- shots?"

"No." Fred said.

"Wasn't asking you Weasley." Ellie pulled me away from him, over to a place where we met Astoria, Cami, and that stupid Vivian girl and some other random girl I've never seen.

"Oh- hey Halle." Vivian gave me the most fakest smile ever. "This is Lilly, my friend."

I looked behind me then back at her, "I'm Halle?" I asked and pointed to my chest. She nodded. "My name is Brooklyn but good try." I shot back a fake smile. "Nice to meet you Lilly." Lilly had her hand on her hip, loud chewing her gum. Her eyes ran over my body, rolled her eyes, then looked back down at her phone.

"Bitch alert." Cami whispered in my ear and I laughed.

"What?" Vivian asked.

"Nothing." I said, then looked over at El and rolled my eyes. "So, how long has it been since you've met Ron?" I asked.

"Four months." She replied, no smile on her face. Weird.

"Getting serious?" Cam asked and Ian shrugged. "Okay. Brooke want anything. Or should you ask Fred first?"

"Shut up and get me a Vodka with Cranberry." I said and shoved her shoulder, she laughed as she walked away.

"Why would you need to ask Fred, Jill?" Vivian asked.

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