| F I F T Y - T H R E E |

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Brooklyn's POV:

"I'm beyond bored, let's play truth or dare." Ellie suggested.

I was nice and comfy with my head on Fred's thigh with both of us sitting on the ground, him leaning back against the couch. Everyone was also spread out in the den.

The parents per usual were cleaning up. Well, Tonks was outside with Teddy and Dax and Sirius was in the room with us, reading the Daily Prophet.

"No. Every time we play that it is way too sexual." Malfoy straight up said. He had a point.

I grabbed Fred's hand that was stroking my hair and began to play with his fingers, well, also his wedding ring.

God, he looks so fucking sexy with a wedding ring on.

"You kids could have a decent conversation you know." Sirius mumbled, "instead of talking about sex. Like, oh hey, there's a big thunderstorm coming in, you should get ready for that next week."

Ellie bit back her smile and looked over at us. Sirius rolled his eyes, knowing his words didn't mean anything to us.

"Well... it is what it is, plus it's only Sirius." El shrugged.

"And he's like 70 so he won't know anything of the sexual stuff." Fred said with a grin, a second later he got smacked on the back of his head with the newspaper Sirius had rolled up.

"I'm 42." Sirius muttered.

"Old." Fred whispered.

Now it was his hand that smacked Fred's head and I giggled.

"Listen up buddy, you're 23, and already married, the good part of your life is gone." Sirius shot back. The others in the room laughed.

"You listen up buddy, I've been in the honeymoon stage since I was 15, and it's the same girl. Is the good part of my life really gone?" Fred smirked proudly.

Sirius rolled his eyes and got up, heading to the kitchen, saying he needed more coffee.

"Oh my god," Lexi laughed, "that was hilarious, I thought you said he was a lifeless grumpy
a-" Kalen put his hand over her mouth quickly.

"I'm a what now?" Fred asked.

"Delight." Kalen said, "let's play. Please."

"Why would he think the good part of your life is gone just because you married me?" I mumbled as everyone moved around to form a circle, I sat down next to him and crossed my legs.

"Because's he's clueless." Freddie said and kissed my temple.

"I'll go first." Ellie said, "okay, Lexi, truth or dare?" I leaned my head against Fred's arm as he laced our fingers together.

"Hm... truth." Lexi said.

"Okay, easy, how old were you when you lost your virginity?"

"Ellie!" George said.

"What? She needs to get used to it. We're a very sexual group of friends." El shrugged.

"Oh it's okay, we're a sexual couple." Kalen said and wiggled his eyebrows. Lexi giggled. I cringed my face. That's mine and Fred's thing. We're the sexual couple. We can't keep our hands off each other. Not them. 

Wow, what is wrong with me?

"Okay, virginity... 17." Lexi said with a nod.

"Hmph, I thought we'd get a new record." El sighed.

"For what?" Lexi asked.

"Don't." Fred muttered. 

"Weasley was the first one to be what we call, touched, at the age of 14, but not by Brooke. By some other bitch we don't like. And Brooke is for the girls at 15 by Fred, and both of them were the first for fucking at 15."

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