| F I F T Y - F O U R |

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"Stop staring at my boobs and chin up." I sighed, you'd think after how many years of being together Fred wouldn't stare at my boobs like some little kid wanting candy. But he does. And it's not even like I'm naked! It's just a low cut tank top!

"You're a feisty one today." Freddie said with a playful grin and looked into my eyes.

I grabbed the can of shaving cream and put some on my hands then spread it around his lower cheek and jaw.

"Have I ever told you how hot you are when you shave for me?" He mumbled. I smiled a little as a blush appeared on my cheeks.

"I like doing it." I whispered shyly.

"I know you do."

I twisted my body and turned on the tap, running my hands under the water, then grabbed the razor and wetted it, then turned back to Fred and placed one hand under his chin and began to drag the razor along his cheek with the other hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration and Fred smiled. "Don't flex your jaw. I'll cut you."

"My jaw isn't that sharp love."

"Yes it is. Super sexy sharp."


I tilted my head up and kissed him quickly, then went back to shaving.

Fred put his arms around me and dragged them down my back to my ass, gripping onto it, the only thing in the way was my panties, but where he was holding wasn't covered in fabric.

"You're such a pretty girl." He mumbled as he landed a little slap on my ass.

"Are you trying to get in my pants Fred Weasley?"

"Technically it's your panties. And I'm not trying. If I want to fuck you, I will."

Well I just went from dripping to gushing.

He cocked his head to the other side and I began to drag the blade along there, trying to only focus on that.

His hands pawed at my ass, obviously trying to distract me. If he gets cut, it's not my fault. He's the one grinning like an idiot and too focused on my ass (like usual) to care about his skin. I like his skin, I rather not have it cut up.

Fred drummed his hands against my ass and I pouted my lower lip out a little. "Awe, I'm sorry princess." He cupped both sides of my face and kissed me, hard, making the shaving cream on his face transfer to mine.

I squealed and tried to get away from him, but he didn't let me. "Freddie!" I gasped against his lips.

"What? You don't like the beard?" He raised an eyebrow and I giggled quietly as I shook my head no. "Well I for one think you look sexy with it."

"When do you ever call me sexy?"

"I've called you sexy before."

"Rarely. Like you probably called me that in fifth year."

"No, like last month."

"Fred, you never call me sexy. You call me hot, fuckable, gorgeous, and pretty, but not sexy. I call you sexy, but you don't."

"Should I call you sexy more often then?"

"You just let me finish your face."

"This is boring." He groaned.

"Do you want a beard?"

"... no."

"Then let me finish."

"That's what she said."



I put the razor down and grab the towel, wiping off the rest of the shaving cream then got the bottle of aftershave gel and clicked open the top.

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