| T W E N T Y - F O U R |

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I was basically dragging her into the house by her hair. She was whining and tried to fight me all the way from our flat, she was really being stubborn about seeing our family for the first time since the wedding.

She's in denial about the fact that we're not on our honeymoon anymore, but back to our normal life, only this time, married.

She started acting all bratty the second I mentioned it this morning when we were both waking up. That was my plan. Tell her when she was half asleep and half unconscious so she couldn't yell and put up a fight.

Fuck, was I ever wrong.

"Fred- I will divorce you!" She yelled.

"You gotta stop using that as an argument. It's not working, never worked when you threatened to break up with me either." I sighed. She groaned and kept on pulling back. She was still wiggling in my arms as I knocked on the dorm.

I literally had her pinned against my body, her back to my chest, her arms were bent up and pushed together, I had both arms wrapped around her, holding her wrists together.

"Fred- Brooklyn are you okay?" My mum answered the door. Bee rolled her eyes and jabbed her elbow against my abs.

"Give us a minute actually." I leaned forward and closed the door, giving my mum a smile when I did so. I knew the door being closed wouldn't do much, it's not sound proof. But I honestly don't care if she hears me. "You better not roll those damn eyes again Bee. She's trying. You have to try too. She called me. She wrote to me. She's trying. Okay? Don't be a little bitch."

"A bitch?" Bee scoffed, "I'm going to be way worse than a bitch to her bud. Thanks for trying though."

I dropped one of my hands down between our bodies, and pressed my palm slightly against her ass. She winced. We still got fresh cuts there.

"Fuck you." She muttered.

I let go of her body, grabbed her hand, then opened the door and walked in. We were greeted with hugs, and sadly, kisses, as soon as we were seen.

"Brooke!" Ellie yelled.

"Ellie!" Bee yelled back and ran up to her then decided to launch herself on Ellie's body. El fell back on the floor with a thud but still hugged her as tight as Bee was to her.

"Want me to make out with you?" George grinned.

"Go fuck yourself." I smiled. He put his hand over his heart like I just said the most loving thing to him.

"Fred!" My mum smacked my arm, "that is not what you say to your brother."

"Yeah dickwad, don't hurt me like that. I really missed you. I was crying every night." George crossed his arms and I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, bet you weren't fucking Ellie."

That's when my mum backed out.

Works every time.

"Okay Bee, let her breathe." I pulled Bee off of the floor and George helped Ellie up, then the two just walked away.


"You two had two weeks. She's mine now." El said as they walked out.

Yeah, but I don't wanna be alone with the adults.

"Look what the cat dragged in." I turned my head and saw Malfoy, leaning against the doorframe, he nudged Kalen. "So how was the sexxx?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I muttered.

"He would." He gestured towards Kalen as they both walked in the room.

"Can you fuck off?" Kalen muttered.

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