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Fred's POV:

"Guess who's pregnant?" Bee asked as she bounced onto the bed. I grabbed her hips and moved her on top of my lap.

"Who love?" I asked.

"Cami!" She exclaimed. "Cameron is pregnant! With James baby!"

"I hope so." I said, "he is the husband."

"Fred! No joking around. I'm serious. She's pregnant. Knocked up. They're having a child! She's gonna have a belly and get morning sickness and cravings. Everything because she is pregnant. At 23. Pregnant."

"I picked up on that."

"She's really excited."

"That's good."

"The baby is going to be so cute. I get to be a aunt- and you get to be a uncle. Sucks that she can't smoke or drink but she gets baby. It's worth it. I mean, you can still have sex when you're pregnant so hey, you still have sex." She shrugged a little and looked down at the space between us, playing the strings on my sweatpants.

"Is there something you want to tell me Bee?" I asked.

"No." She whispered.


"Do you want a baby? With me?" She asked without looking up at me.

"Wait- is Cam the one pregnant or..."

"No! I'm not pregnant!" She said quickly. "I was just wondering if you wanted to have a baby with me."

"I'd like to have a baby with you Bee. And only you."


"Do you not want to have a baby with me?"

"I really want to have a baby with you. Just..."

"Just what?"

"Just not right now. If that's okay. I mean, I'd have a baby right now if you want. Well, you'd have to wait nine months but oh well."

"Bee, I don't want to have a baby with you right now." I said.

"In nine months?"

"Mm, I don't think so."

"Good." She sighed and slumped a little, getting more comfy on me. "That's good to hear."

"Why would you think I'd want a baby with you right now?"

"Well, I googled the age people nowadays are having kids and it said early 20s! Can you believe that?! I don't think I can have a kid in my early 20s. Not at 23. I'd be happy at any age to have a baby, but we're still growing. Y'know? Like, I feel like we just graduated and we just got married. Everything is just calm right now and I like it. Once you have a baby everything is hectic and it's obviously not like when it was before. And I'm not trying to be selfish, but when the hell do you have sex? Babies need attention- so when? Once you have a baby- poof- there goes your sex life. I need sex! I need to start soaking it in now."

"Hey, hey, why are you panicking?" I asked calmly, putting my hand on her arm. "Bee, you're not having a baby now." With my other hand I tilted her head up. A tear went down her cheek. "Nothing needs to change. Its going to stay calm. You don't need to soak anything up right now. It's going to be normal for now and however long you want it to be."

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