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"I'm saying it is not proper, and from past events, I have a right to call you out for that action." Molly informed me and I rolled my eyes, "I see his hand under the table, and you looking up at him, what else is that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh yeah Molly, I want Fred to finger me under the table with our whole family around us because that's just how I roll. What kind of person do you think I am! That's messed up!" I exclaimed. We both stood in the hallway with everyone else in another room having a conversation, Molly dragged me away from Fred. Even Fred tried to keep me with him but Molly just had to have her way. I love you Molly, but not right now.

"Brooklyn, do not use foul words like that." She gasped and put her hand on her fucking hip. God, that just pisses me off.

"What?! What do you expect me to say?! You were thinking the same things so why not just say it out loud!" I threw my hands up, "if you need to know everything, he was just trying to calm me down!"

"By putting his hand down your pants?!"

"No, on my thigh! Over the clothing! Because my leg was bouncing! Because I was anxious! But sorry that Fred is just trying to help me! Next time I will just walk away from the table and cry in the bathroom!"

"Then why didn't he just talk to you?!"

"Becauase that's not how we work!"

"So how do you work!"

"None of your damn business!"

"Well if you don't want me jumping to conclusions...!"

"Oh my god." I muttered, she is giving me a fucking headache. I don't even want to be here, I was told if we keep our distance then we wouldn't need to talk. She had other plans. "It's touch, that's our 'love language' lets call it. It's what makes me feel better, just feeling his touch."

"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Fine, I will go in there, not touch Fred, not even sit beside him because then he will touch me. And see how it fans out Molly. If you have to have your way."

"Fine, do that and see it will be better. Because honestly, I've heard you say touch is your love language, and that is just another way of saying sex!"

"Is that all you think of me?!"

"I've heard stories!"

"Okay, and?! They aren't your problem!"

"Well it is when you're 15 and-"

"Shut up! Just stop! I don't even want you to finish the goddamn sentence!"

"It's my problem when I find out two 15 year olds are having sex? That is my problem because one is my child and who knows what happens when I'm not around. Touch is stupid! Don't do it. Now go in there and try it out and see how it is!"

Stupid ass ugly bitch. Sorry not sorry Molly.

I walked away from her without another word, going back to the living room where everyone else was and sat myself down next to my mum, and Tonks, leaving Fred very confused. He looked over at me with a little bit of a sad expression.

'Something wrong?' He mouthed and I shook my head no. I leaned back and folded one leg over the other and crossed my arms.

"Something up with you and Fredo?" Tonks asked me.

"No." I muttered, "Molly is being a bitch."

"You better have a reason for calling her that." Tonks sighed, but she wasn't talking in a mad tone.

"She said that when I said my love language was touch, it was just saying I want sex. And that's all she thinks of me. So I said I would sit away from Fred and she can see what would happen. I don't get what her deal is. Like last time I checked, we're both adults. Now look at Fred, he's all sad and alone."

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