| S E V E N T Y - F I V E |

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Fred's POV:

I opened my eyes and slowly moved to lay onto my back, Bee rolled from her side to her stomach while still asleep. I rubbed my hand over my eyes then looked over at my alarm clock and saw it around eight in the morning.

I put my hand on her bare back and rubbed a few little circles on it. She moaned tiredly and turned her head so she could look at me. "Hi." She whispered then yawned. "What time is it?"

"Around eight." I whispered.

"That's early for a no work day." She shuffled closer to me and ended up rolling to her back. I brushed some hair out of her face then kissed her forehead. "Good morning."

"Good morning love." I whispered back then pulled the covers back and placed a kiss to her stomach. "Good morning baby."

Bee giggled a little as she put her hand on the back of my head.

"You're the cutest." She whispered and I moved back up to her face and gave her a long kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck and pushed her head up. I ended up just tugging her on top of me and she sat up to straddle me.

God her tits are amazing.

"Fred." She mumbled and crossed her arms over her chest.

I put my hands on her hips and she quickly dropped her arms. That was short lived. Her hands ended up going on top of mine while looking at me with a sweet smile.

When I flipped over that test a month ago I saw it was positive. I couldn't even believe my fucking eyes.

When I told Bee she just started bawling her eyes out. She was happy but she was worried and so was I. We barely got any sleep that night and the next morning we were both almost asleep at the doctors office.

Long story short; the doctor found nothing wrong with Bee. Which seemed a little odd to me. He said things can change and so far, this pregnancy has been going normal.

She was already one fucking month pregnant!

Now she's two and she's still getting sick from time to time. She's eating every meal which makes me fucking ecstatic. She sleeps so many hours. Then the usual.

She's not too happy that she can't have iced coffee so she's going to other drinks that don't have much caffeine. That's the only thing that puts her in a bad mood.

She's still pretty small and slim for two months, but we go two more weeks till we hit 12 weeks which is about the time of her first trimester to be over. The doctor said it's normal, especially for the size she is.

Bee leaned over the side of the bed to grab my shirt from yesterday off the ground and I took that as a opportunity to leave a handprint mark on her ass. She was basically sprawled out across me with her ass perked up.

"Fred!" She squealed and her arms buckled. I chuckled and grabbed her ankle, pulling her back up onto the bed.

"What? Your body is just so goddamn perfect." I laid her onto her back then buried my face in her tits.

There was a knock on the front door though and I groaned. "I'll get it." Bee said and wiggled away from me, putting on only my shirt and panties.

"You're not answering the door like that." I muttered. No one needs to see those thighs except for me.

"It's just Ellie. Be right back." She was gone before I could groan to her again. 

I grabbed my boxers and pulled them back on then tugged the covers up me a little and rolled to to my back.

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