| T W E N T Y - T W O |

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Greece. He took me to mother fucking Greece! He made my fucking day by marrying me! Then he took me to Greece! Where it is so warm, and everyone is nice, there is street shopping, beaches, and the water is so clear! It's sunny every fucking day!

I looked around the place Fred found for us to stay for two weeks in amazement. The home was flooded in sunlight. The walls were all a sandy colour, and the accent was white.

So it turns out I have three bags. I have the bag that I packed, I had no clue where we were going so I packed for anything. Then there is the bag Fred packed, and he knew we were coming here so god knows what he packed. And the bag Ellie packed. I'm scared to look in there.

I had a backpack on my back, then Fred insisted on carrying my other two. And his one bag. Now I just feel like a dork and he is battling three bags. I asked to carry another one but he wouldn't like me. I don't know why he never lets me carry my bags.

When we finally got the the bedroom, I dropped my one bag and dropped (dramatically) on the bed. "Holy shit this feels good." I moaned and rolled to my stomach.

I listened to Fred walk around behind me as I cuddled into the bed sheets. Wow this bed is amazing.

When I looked to the side, I saw Fred taking off his shirt, then opened his bag to grab another.

Oh god he looks so good.

I pushed my knees up under me, pushing my ass up. Fred came over to me, his hands gripped onto my ass but I didn't dare to move. He hasn't fucked me yet.

My core swirled in a second as two of his fingers rubbed down my cunt. Take off my shorts Freddie. Take off my shorts. He didn't though.

He was just teasing.

But then my thought changed as the shorts and my panties got moved to the side. He crouched down behind me and pressed his lips to my cunt.

I moaned, stuffing my head into the sheets. Fred fixed the clothing then grabbed my waist and pulled me up. "Not yet princess."

"Why?" I groaned.

"Because. There is other non sex related things to do today love."

That doesn't sound like Fred. At all. "You always like sex. Is something wrong?" Is it me?

"Not at all." He murmured against my neck, "I just plan to tease the fuck outta you for, hm, two days maybe."

"No!" I gasped.

"You're right. Maybe three." He hummed.

"Freddie. Why?"

"Because it's fun." He shrugged, "so we're going to unpack, I'm going to get you changed, we can go out to lunch, and see town."

I smiled and tilted my head back to look at Fred. "That sound good princess?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Look through your thousand bags and find a cute little outfit for me and I'll put away our stuff."

"Okay! But don't go through the purple bag. Ellie packed that and I have no clue what is in it, and you may not want to see."

"Okay love," he chuckled, "I'll burn it later."

"Thank you." I hummed. He pecked me on my lips then walked away. I got off the bed and grabbed a bag, resting it on the bed then sat back down. I unzipped it as I crossed my legs.

I pulled out a nice light pink flowy skirt, then a white cropped tank top. I got up and gathered the clothes in my arms, I got my makeup bag then went into the washroom, though I kept the door open.

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