| T H I R T Y - S E V E N |

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I love when I get a good sleep. But doesn't everyone?

I nuzzled my face more into Freddie's bare, warm, chest, and moaned tiredly. I kept my eyes closed but my body was slowly waking up.

My body felt like jello, all my muscles were asleep. They'd stay asleep for a few more minutes... or hours. You never know. Fred learned that very quickly.

Sometimes, I can spring up and be full of energy, and other days, he has to pick me up, dress me, and carry me around because I'm so asleep. And if I'm lucky, I get a shower or bath with him in the morning.

Freddie's muscles weren't like mine though. He tightened his arms around me and pulled me closer.

Y'know how I said I love when I get a good sleep. Well I got something even better than that.

Waking up being completely full with Fred's cock in me.

It's just...


It's so comfy.

Freddie kissed the top of my head a couple of times as he began to rub his fingers against my bare back in such a calming way.

"It's 10:30 princess. We need to get up." I heard Fred say. I gave no response.

I don't wanna get up. I really don't. I wanna have a lazy day. I've had a tough week. And I'm also just really lazy.

"Baby, I know you're awake. Look at me." He whispered. Well I can't not do what he said... when have I ever said that?

I pushed my head up and looked up at him, my face was all squished with a cheek pressed to his chest. My eyes were half closed and I'm sure my hair was a mess.

"I'm sleepy." I whispered.

"I can tell." He said with a slight smile. What? He slipped a hand under my cheek and lifted my head up a little and wiped his hand on his chest. "Drool."

"What?! No!" I gasped in horror.

"It's fine. You've done it before." He said as he let my head rest on his chest again.

"Still." I mumbled.

"It's adorable." He whispered and kissed me again, "means I fucked you so well last night it just knocked you out." Of course he had to say that. "You didn't even move all night."

"Really?" I asked in shock. I always squirm. That's why I sometimes wake up to Fred's dick in me, cause I get him hard.

Fred moved his arms to sit under my ass and pulled me up just a little, he was still in me, just not as much as before.

"Adorable." He cooed beside my ear, my cheek flushed red with heat. He rubbed his hands against my ass as he kissed away at my neck, whispering soft praises to me.

I love his praises.

Such a good girl.

Fuck, you're such a pretty girl.

God love, you feel so good.

I couldn't help but squirm... and grind, at his words. I had to sit up to stop. I pushed myself up straight, sliding all the way down on him till my ass was on his hips.

He looks so pretty. His head was turned to the side with his eyes close, his face was all relaxed. And his hair was a bit of a mess. But I like it like that. His hands were still on my ass, holding on tight.

I hunched over a little and ran my fingers over his torso, and to his abs. My fingers followed the dips, all of them, and a little over near his V line. His hands kneaded against my ass gently, humming at the pleasure I was giving him.

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