| S E V E N T Y - F O U R |

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Fred slowly thrusted in me, coming down from my high and his. My back arched as I let out a tired moan and my arms dropped from around his neck.

I love morning sex.

"No work today." I whispered after Fred carefully laid down on top of me- well, his head on my chest.

"No work today princess." He whispered back.

I sighed as I ran my fingers through his hair, getting comfy.

This is perfect.

Then I felt my stomach twist.

Why does it feel like I'm going to throw up?

Cause I am!

"Fred move." I said and tapped his shoulder.

"What?" He mumbled.

"Move- Fred move!"

"Okay, okay." He got off of me and I quickly got out of the bed, naked and all, running into the washroom and dropping down to my knees in front of the toilet and emptied my stomach.

Fred walked in behind me and leaned over, gathering up my hair and holding it out of the way.

I just got fucked and now I'm throwing up.

Oh god.

I was about to say something but my stomach twisted again and I was sick. Please make this stop. I hate being sick in front of Fred.

"All done?" He asked in a soft tone a minute later and I slowly nodded my head yes. "Stay down there." I nodded again. He let go over my hair then went over to the sinks counter getting a hair elastic and cup of water. He left the cup on the counter and came back over to me, tying my hair back. After, he helped me up slowly and took me to the sink.

"C- can I please have a shirt?" I whispered.

"Of course. Rinse your mouth for me."

"Okay." While he got me a shirt, I rinsed my mouth like he said, and when he came back in, he pulled on a shirt of his and helped me step into a pair of panties.

As he led me back to bed, my stomach twisted. Why?! "Freddie." I whimpered. He turned me back around and brought me back to the toilet and I got sick all over again. He kneeled down beside me and rubbed his hand against my back soothingly as I quite literally emptied my stomach in front of him. It's not the first time and it's probably not the last- but it's still quite embarrassing, even if he's my husband and doesn't complain about it at all.

Did I drink last night? No. Why am I sick? Usually when I don't feel well, it's a cold, so I'd have a stuffy nose or cough. Not actually throwing up. Food poisoning maybe? But I ate a banana and a chicken Caesar salad yesterday. That's all. And Fred made the food- well the chicken. Wow, is that all I ate yesterday? That's not that good.

I tried to get up but Fred kept me down, "just wait a second love. Don't move too fast." He said. I moved to sit on my butt then leaned back against him and he put a hand on my thigh, stroking it softly.

"Did you poison my food?" I sniffled quietly. Whenever I throw up, I cry just a little. Probably from the gaging. Gross.

"Yes princess, I poisoned the love of my life." He's such a sweet talker. "You may just be getting sick. That's all."

"I never just get sick."

"It may just be your body kicking your ass for not eating a lot yesterday." He said.

"I'm not in a joking mood." I whined a little and slumped back.

"Neither am I." He whispered.

We sat on the ground for a couple more minutes, then be carefully stood me up, told me to rinse my mouth again which I did, then carried me to bed and laid me down.

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