| T W E N T Y - S I X |

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A/N: I picture the cabin from Grown Ups for this

Brooklyn's POV:

"Ellie I don't get this. Why is the store getting renovations? Do we even have the money?" I asked, standing in the centre of the shop as El moved around and was closing everything up.

"Yes, we have the money. And the renovations are on the ceiling. We need it fixed. And the shop can't be open while it's getting torn." She pulled down the blinds, then moved to the next window.

"We're gonna miss a whole week of money." I mumbled.

"I've got it covered." She shrugged, "it's late, I'll finish up here. You can get going."

"Why? Apparently I'm out of work for a week." I grumbled as I walked over to the cashier counter and grabbed my sweater. "Does Lee know about this?"

"Wow, you're pretty grumpy. Are you hearing me right? A week off of work! Yay!" She clapped her hands as she yelled. "Oh no. Is there something wrong?" She asked, "troubles in the bedroom? Did Kalen do you better than Weasley and now you're just craving him?"

"Ellison!" I yelled, "no! God no! Oh my god!" She laughed and went back to pulling down the blinds. "Nothing is wrong 'in the bedroom'. Something wrong in yours?"

"No," she grinned like an idiot.

"Well nothing is wrong with me and Fred." I mumbled.

"Not surprising."

"Are you mocking my sex life now?!"

"No... but just saying, you're gonna have an easy childbirth."

"Excuse me?!" I gasped. I am not loose! "It's going to be a rough childbirth because that baby won't be able to come out. Ask Fred!"

"Babe." She laughed, "6'5 and you've been at it for almost six years."

"Stop making me feel old."

"You're turning 21! That's not old."

"Well when you say I've been fucking Fred for almost six years, it makes me sound like I'm 30."

"You don't look a day over 24. Don't worry."

"Good- wait!"


"I hate you." I pulled open the door then walked out, leaving El to laugh to herself.

Fred asked if I could lock up the shop for him, so I walked in through that door and locked the door, walked around the counter and grabbed a Jolly Rancher, then climbed up the stairs to our flat.

I love when I walk through the door and see the most amazing sights ever.

Sometimes it's Fred asleep on the couch looking fucking hot. Or working at the counter looking fucking hot. Bonus points if he has his glasses on. Extra bonus points if he's shirtless. And lemme tell  you, most of the time, he's shirtless.

This time I'm greeted by his bare back, red plaid PJ hanging low on his hips, and him cooking.

Mm mm mmm.

Get a man who cooks.

Cause I can't cook for shit.

I kicked off my shoes quietly, then walked over to him, making no noise at all. I looked down at the counter and saw papers spread out, and his glasses sitting to the side. Aw, I missed seeing him work topless with glasses on.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his back. "Hi princess." He reached his hand behind him to me. I though he would hug me but he just squeezed my ass.

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