| S E V E N T Y - E I G H T |

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Fred's POV:

It's been two weeks since Bee was released from the hospital and it hasn't been going the best.

She's isn't eating much, she isn't sleeping much, she hates stepping foot into our bedroom, she barely has any motivation, and she hasn't seen her friends in forever. She won't even talk to them on the phone.

Word for around that she was in the hospital, but she nor I said anything.

Since she doesn't like being in our room, we're sleeping on the couch. My back is fucking killing me but I'm not saying a word. If it makes her feel better, I'll do it.

She's working from home right now. Ellie told me 'she can have a whole fucking year off if she needs'. She doesn't but Bee was content with the response.

I groaned as I woke up, not feeling the weight of Bee on top of me that I felt when we laid down a while ago for a nap. I sat up painfully slowly and looked around, finding her sitting at the island counter, staring at the urn, which still hasn't found its place in the house.

"Bee," I mumbled as I laid back down with a grunt. I heard the barstool scrape against the floor, then she walked over to me, climbing on top.

I put my hands on her waist and she frowned a little since my hands were under her shirt and not over.

"Stop." I muttered and moved her hips up closer to me.

She pushed my hands away from her with a huff and I quickly snatched her wrists. She whined a little and tugged them back.

"I told you to stop." I said.

"Shouldn't you be doing some work." She mumbled. "

"Nope. I took the week off." I said and she gave me a confused look. "We're going onto week three Bee, we need to start working forward."

"I don't want to."

"That's not an option."

"It should be."

"It's not. You're just going to keep feeling worse and worse the more you sit around. You need to start getting back to normal."

"I don't want to."

"Pretty sure I already said that not an option."

"I don't want to have sex."

"Did I say we were?"

"You said things need to start going back to normal." She huffed.

"Slowly. Sex isn't the first thing. It's not the second, it's probably not the tenth. What do you think the first thing should be?"

"Crying myself to sleep while wrapped in a blanket like a burrito?" She hummed.


"Maybe eat?"

"God, I love that." I sat up then got up, pulling her up onto me. "What would you like? Anything you want."

"Mm," she hummed, "pasta. Anddd a kiss."

I sat her down on the counter then leaned forward and gave her a little kiss. She smiled as she crossed her legs up on the counter. "Do you want a drink?"

"Water please." She said and I grabbed a bottle for her, opening the cap before I handed it off, then began to grab the stuff for the food.  "What's the next step after eating?" She asked from behind me.

"Depends how fast you want to move." I said.

"Fred, if I stop, I'm not moving again."

"Then what do you think the next step is after eating?"

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