| F I F T Y - S E V E N |

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Brooklyn's POV:

"Ellie, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see this sweater anywhere." I said into the phone as I looked on the clothe rack for some sweater she saw at this shop yesterday. I mentioned I was going out and she begged me to stop in.

"You're probably too short. Go on your tippy toes or go ask for help." She huffed.

"I'm not asking for help reaching something. I'm a grown ass woman."

"You're 5'2."

"Shut the hell up."

"Just roam for a second then once someone asks if you need help, just ask if they the sweater and show them the picture."

"Or... you could drag your lazy ass down here."

"I'm still in bed."

"It's 1pm."

"One, you've totally gotten out of bed at 3pm before, and two, four rounds babyyy!" She sang at the end.

"Four rounds?! My knees would kill me if I had to move for four rounds!" I exclaimed.

"Like you'd ever bounce." She laughed, "and plus... it wasn't me who was on top." I knew she was wiggling her eyebrows.


"He was feeling a little... dominate today."

"And you liked it?"

"Fuck I loved it."


"He should do it more. I see why you're addicted to Fred fucking you. Y'know, I bet they are both the same in the lower region..."

"I've seen George babe. Fred is bigger."

"Aren't you in public?!"

"No one is around. Don't change the topic. You're just mad-"

"I'm not. I was in fucking bliss this morning!"

"Then tell him!"

"I dunno..."

"Ellie. You need to tell him."

"But George and I sorta have this thing that isn't like you and Fred."

"And that's supposed to mean?"

"Fred all over you. Or on top. Like not sexually. Well sexually but also not. He has you in tact."

"George will never be the way Fred is. The only way he would be like Fred is if you were like me. An unstable mess. Which you're not. So don't worry."

"I could be an unstable mess but not around you."

"You're not."

"I know I'm not."

"I can't find this shirt."



"Just, never mind. I'll get it later."

"Kay, well then I'm gonna go back home and get Fred to fuck me. You kinda turned me on."

"I would be happy but I know talking about Fred got you horny."

"You know me so well. Bye, love you."

"Love you too. Get that dick-"

I ended the call before she could finish. I have a feeling it wouldn't end well.

I scanned the shelf one more time, then gave up and turned around. I walked out of the section of the store and to a next. Maybe I'm in the wrong spot.

Forever YoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora