| S E V E N T E E N |

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"Angelina?" I asked in shock, seeing the woman, walking with a little boy that looked almost two, walking around everywhere in the store.

"Brooklyn. I'm sorry. He just ran in here." She said, grabbing the kid quickly.

"I'm not that surprised." I chuckled. It's the twins joke shot. There's sweets and toys everywhere. "How are you?"

"Busy." She laughed.

"Hi!" The little boy said. "I'm Casey."

"Hi Casey I'm Brooke." I smiled at him.

"What brings you are here?" I asked Angie.

"His dad had him for the weekend and we just met so I could, we'll get Case back." She laughed lightly.

"Ryan?" I asked.

"Yeah, you remember. Not my proudest moment."

"I thought you guys were together." I said.

"Oh god no. After that- class, but what you told me, I remembered everything what happened. I just couldn't do it. He doesn't usually See Casey either."

"Oh." I mumbled.

"Mommy- sweets?" Casey asked.

"Not today hun." She sighed.

"Oh, hold on." I turned and grabbed a blue Jolly Rancher from the container. "Little parting gift."

"Thank you." He gasped and took it from me.

"Thanks Brooke." Angie smiled.

"No problem. You should stop by again." I said, smiling as she carried the boy out of the shop.

"Was that, Angelina?" Fred asked from behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Sure was."

"With a kid?"


"Ryan's kid?"


"Are you shocked?"


"Proud of you for not smacking her in front of her kid."

"Thank you." I turned around and he dipped his head down to kiss me but I stopped him. "That is not professional Mr. Weasley."

"Don't give a fuck. Kiss me." I giggled and tilted my head up, kissing him quickly.

"You should go back to work cause I have to go back to work." I mumbled.

"Why did you come over here?"

"A quickie. I'm so horny and desperate for your touch daddy." I whispered, kissing him again. "But, we are very busy business people and things don't always go our way. Sucks doesn't it? I think there's a customer needing assistance. M'bye." I stepped back from him and went outside, walking down the street and going back to Rolmants.

I went to the register and began to ring people through. The older lady thanked me and walked away as my phone began to ring.

"Make it quick- that's what she said." I laughed at my own joke.

"Very funny. Your break is in 10 minutes. So I'm 10 minutes, you naked over my desk. M'bye." Fred hung up and I gasped.

"What?" Ellie asked.

"He just booked my break time for sex."

"The audacity that man has." She sighed. "Men, right."

"That's what I'm saying!" I threw my hands up.

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