| F I V E |

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"Holy. Fucking. Shit." Fred said to himself as we walked through the sunny crowds of Diagon Ally. "What the hell happened here?"

"People are happy." I shrugged. The street was full, like packed. It was back to usual basically. But it's been a while since it's been like this.

"That- that's your store." He pointed in shock. Rolmants had a huge ass line up outside of the store. And the store was packed. We've been going crazy lately.

"And that's your." I smiled and Fred turned around and his eyes widened even more. If he thought my store was packed...

"Holy fuck." He whispered.

"C'mon then." I smiled and lead him to the most popular magical joke shop of all. "Excuse me, sorry." I said politely as we walked through the line then went through the opened doors and made our ways through the massive crowd. "C'mon Fred, you live here, you've been here, I hate big crowds let's keep moving." I said and pulled him up to the one side of the empty till.

"So whatever happened to the more attractive twin who runs this place?" Fred leaned forward on the desk. George turned around and had a huge smile plastered on his face.

"You mean me, cause I'm right here." George said. He came around the counter and hugged his brother. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?"

"Bee broke me out." Fred said casually and shrugged.

"Wha-?" George began to say, seriously believing his brother, especially since I winked at him and smirked.

"We're gonna go upstairs. See you later." I cut George off and began to back up. "Of the hospital calls, say you haven't seen us in a while." I took Fred's hand and pulled him away from his brother, George was left speechless.

"Why do you fuck with him?" Fred chuckled, I shrugged and began to go up the stairs.

"Because it's simple. And it's fun." I unlocked the door and opened it, walking through and letting Fred through too then closing the door. "Why do I have a thousand missed calls from your mum?" I wondered aloud.

"Lemme see." He said and took my phone, "13. Holy shit. I thought she was mad at you."

"Thought so too." I mumbled, "did she call you?"

"Phones dead." He said as he walked over to the drawer to get a charger. "Call her. Just put her on speaker."

"Okay." I said and pushed call back on the button, she answered immediately.

"Why did I get a call confirming Fred is out?" Molly right away asked, Fred sighed and I already had my fingers hovering over the end call button.

"Papers were already signed Molly." I said.

"I didn't do any."

"Yes you did." I reminded her about the papers she signed a week ago so Fred didn't need a slow moving exit.

"You should've told me that he was leaving."

"Didn't think it would matter since you already signed the paper. And, what's the point of him staying there till we could get ahold of you at school?"

"Brooklyn! That doesn't matter I've already told you that you don't make the-!"

"And we're done." I said and hung up and looked up at Fred, "sorry, but I don't want to go through this again."

"What do you mean again, you just said she was in a mood?" Fred asked. Shit. I think I brought that on me.

"It's nothing. She yelled at me and said I was making the choices she should be making. But she already signed the papers what is the point?" I turned my phone on silent mode so the rings from Molly would be silenced.

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