| F I F T Y - F I V E |

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Fred's POV:

Bee is quite actually attached to the stuffed animal I gave her a month ago. She's like a little kid attached to a goddamn 'stuffie' as she calls it.

She even sleeps with it! Well, she abandons it when I fuck her, then I'll pull her on top of me to sleep and she'll have the damn thing in her arm.

I'm cuddling her and a stuffed bear.

"It's funny because I thought I was the only one who is 23 and attached to a stuffed animal." Lexi said as she grabbed a cardboard box.

A couple of us offered to help Bee and El set up their Fall line for clothes, meaning we have to get rid of the Summer line and unbox everything else.

Of course, Bee brought Teddy, and left him on the check out counter beside her. El also seems to like the thought that I gave her a stuffed animal for a gift. It must be a girl thing...

"I- I'm not attached." Bee mumbled and looked down at the book in front of her. "Is that the knitted crew necks?"

"Mm, yeah." Lexi said after opening the box. "So, why do you bring it every where? I noticed that lately."

"Freddie gave it to me for our anniversary." Bee said.

"Oh I forgot about that. What else did he give you?" She asked.

Bee narrowed her eyes on her as she opened her mouth. "Nothing." I answered for her quickly. "I gave her flowers and a stuffed animal." I walked up behind her and uncrossed her arms. "Stop." I whispered to her.

"Awe, that's so cute." That seems to be her go to line. That's all she says. "Kalen got me gold bracelet just for our three months."

"Good for him." Bee scoffed, "I don't need fucking wealth-"

"Take this," I gave her the stuffed animal, "and go help El, I'll do this job."

"Fucking bitch." Bee muttered under her breath as she walked away.

"... did I do something?" Lexi asked me. I rolled my eyes and looked away from her. "I didn't mean to brag. I just thought a one year marriage anniversary."

So we're still having this conversation.

I looked over at El and saw her and Bee were dealing with blouses. I looked down at the order sheet and marked it. "Fred?" Lexi said.

"Bee doesn't need expensive gifts." I said without looking at her.

"Is she like, not worth it or something?" I stopped writing. "Oh my god, that sounded so bad. I just mean, lots of people get their wives like pearls and diamonds."

I pushed the tip of the pencil against the paper as I looked up at her.

"One year anniversary is a big deal. I hope I get woken up with breakfast in bed, and then we can exchange these perfect gifts and go out for the day and just fall in love all over again..." she trailed off. I clenched my teeth together, flexing my jaw. "Y'know, something so romantically special."

"I made her breakfast and I gave her my pathetic little flowers and stuffed animal, then I fucked her into five rounds right there on the counter, took her upstairs, fucked three more rounds into her, slept, took her out to dinner, tied her up and fucked her again. Two rounds. That's our romantically special first anniversary, if you need to know everything about mine and her lives. Which, you don't. So I suggest you shut up, leave Bee alone and let her enjoy her fucking stuffed bear. Got it?" I muttered quietly to her. Her eyes widened a little as her cheeks turned red.

"T- ten." She whispered.

"Good math." I rolled my eyes then grabbed the paper and pencil and walked away from her.

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