Book 3

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Hiii, so I see you've made it to the end of Forever Yours, the second book in the Complicated Love Trilogy!!

What an emotional roller coaster that was.

But! The emotions are not done yet!

Stay tuned for the release of the first chapter in the third book of the trilogy!

I'm so excited this is happening! And I cannot wait for you all to read!

Honestly, the first chapter of the book could be up by tomorrow, or next week. I don't know her, but, school is starting next week and I want the first chapter out before that happens.


I just want to say thank you for everyone who read this book and my first book Soulmate.

I love you all so much and cannot wait for you to read the next book.

Want to read the description and find out the name reveal? Keep scrolling loves.




The impossible finally happened for Brooklyn and Fred Weasley. They are having a baby!

But that doesn't mean it's going to be all that easy.

Between the battle of her pregnancy and her past trauma weighing down on her shoulders, Brooklyn does everything she can to keep on her feet and work her way to her much deserved happily ever after with Fred.

Hogwarts student sweethearts Fred and Brooklyn find themselves connecting even more with each other during their journey of parenthood, shedding many tears, experiencing many life changing moments, sharing the intimate aspects of their marriage and relationship, and spending every possible moment together.

Getting through their tough times one day at a time, beside each other, hand in hand.

Everything is a bit easier for them when they're together. 

Love really is addicting.

- sexual activity (smut)
- swearing
- drinking & drugs
- references / flashbacks to traumatic experiences
^ (hear about them in the first chapter- Welcome Back)


Want to know the name of your new favourite book?

Drum roll please....

Addicting Love

I would like to say a huge thanks to fredweasley_09

I am in absolute love with the title and think it suits the book so well.

Can't wait to see you there <3

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