| T H I R T Y - S I X |

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Brooklyn's POV:

Fred kissed me and never slowed, not even letting me breathe. He was on top of me, holding my face and keeping me pressed down on the couch.

My phone began to ring, but I ignored it and kept kissing. But the phone never stopped. It went over and over, it was like it was ringing for five minutes.

I never stop a make out session to answer a phone call so this better be good. "Bee."

"One second." I whispered and answered it without looking who it was. "What?"

"Do not hang up." I shot up, hitting heads with Fred and he groaned and sat up.

"Fuck." I whispered and rubbed my head.

"I need you to bail me out." Draco said, "I got the money. I just need you to bring it."

"To Azkaban?!" I yelled. Fred gave me a puzzled look.

"No, Muggle prison." He said.

"What did you do- no- I don't care! Why did you call me?"

"Kalen is out of town and your number is the only one I remember off the top of my head. I get one phone call." He said, "I- I got drunk and... yeah."

I stayed silent.

"Never mind. It's fine. I deserve it." He sighed.

"Im coming." I can't let him sit in jail. "Where's the money?"

"I have a stash in the kitchen left cupboard over the stove. $200." He said.

"I'll get there when I get there." I said then hung up.

"Bee?" Fred said in a warning tone.

"Im gonna go do something and you're gonna freak the fuck out."


"Im gonna go bail Draco out of jail." I whispered.


"I have to."

"No you don't."

"He can't just sit there."

"He obviously did something to deserve it."

"He would've bailed me out if I were him."

"Would you have attacked him if you were in his position?!"


"You can't fucking let that go! I don't trust him!"

"I don't either, Fred."

"Can I go with you?" He asked.


"Figures." He muttered, "wand on you at all time and please call me if you feel uncomfortable."

"I promise I will." I kissed him quickly then got up and pulled my shirt on that Fred worked off moment earlier. "Don't wait up?"

"You know I fucking will." He said.

"I love you." I said.

"Mhm. Love you too." So convincing. I grabbed my phone and wand, then quickly apparated to Malfoy's place, went right to the kitchen, climbed onto the counter and began to look.

When I found it, I pulled the wade out of a jar. My jaw dropped open. There has to be at least 5K in here. I could just slip a few hundreds...

I'm not a thief. Ugh. I jumped off the counter after grabbing $200 and apparated to the only Muggle jail I knew was close to us.

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