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"I mentioned months ago that Mr. Weasley could have memory loss from the trauma that affected his brain. It was slim then but..." The Healer trailed off. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I put my hands over my face.

He doesn't know me. Fred doesn't remember me.

"Will he get his memory back?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer, I talked slowly. Please say yes. Please say yes. Even if she says no, that doesn't mean I would give up.

"Yes! It is a short term thing. He will regain all memory and that is for certain." The Healer said with a smile and loud voice. I sighed out in a sob and my mum put her hand on my shoulder in comfort. "You just have to work your way into things. Small things at first, it will cause a lot of stress if you throw everything at him."

"So how is this going to plan out?" Molly asked.

"However you would like it. Tell him small things. I would start off with people, tell him things about the person and his memory should do the rest. Once he knows a certain amount of things, everything else will come back. And it is not like he has forgotten everything. He will know numbers and math, the simple things. People will be the hardest for sure."

"So, his memory will come back. Everything else is looking good for him." Molly then asked.

"Everything is looking great for him. But his release date is yet to be announced. We will just monitor his process." The Healer replied, looking over some charts. "Again, how you want to introduce things to him, but I suggest you start as soon as you can." And with that, the Healer left.

"I don't know if I should go back in there." I whispered and the adults turned to me. My eyes were still watering.

"I think you should. I think you can really help his memory since you pay such a big part to him." Molly said. Shouldn't his mother see him first, after all, she is his mother.

"But what if he gets mad at me? I already ran in there like an idiot and he said he didn't know me." I muttered sadly. I was so excited, and he was getting a little upset because of it.

"Brooklyn, go back in there." My mum said, not in a mad way, but more of an insisting way. That it would be best if I do it. I still don't know. "I'm going to go pick up Daxton, Severus are you coming with me?"

"Yes I am. Molly, your plans?" My dad turned to Molly.

"I think I should go. Tomorrow morning we can start with other people." Molly said, so hesitation in her voice.

"Okay." I said, it came out as a whisper. Each of them placed a kiss on my cheek, then headed off to the head desk to get a file they mentioned earlier today. I took a deep breath then turned back to the door and knocked on it, it was open, so Fred looked back over at me.

"Yes?" He asked. I feel like crying. He doesn't remember me. But I need to just focus, because this will take us no where if we don't try.

"C- can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Um... I guess." He shrugged and I walked into the room and sat down on the usual chair next to him.

"Do you know me?"

"I already said I didn't." He said, "why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know how to put this." I said, I really wish I wasn't the first one doing this. I don't want him to get mad at me. "My name is Brooklyn Snape."

"Like- Professor Snape's kid?" He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah. Like him." If he's laughing at that, just wait till he hears that we've been dating for five years. How do I even tell him that we're in love. That we've had sex countless of times. That we live together. I can't stress him out either.

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