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A/N: so the thing that happens in here will continue onto the next chapter. Everything is consensual with Bee.

Actually, a lot of people requested for this type of thing to happen so I put it in a more interesting way. Enjoy!

"Let's make this trip interesting." Kalen turned the wooden chair the other way then sat down and leaned forward. We were sitting in some pub to get away from the adults. George and El were off looking at their vendor and the adults were settling into their hotels.

"How so?" Fred asked.

"Just a friendly bet." Kalen shrugged. "Me and you."

"Okay, what's the bet?" Why can't I do it? Fucking sexist men.

"First one to get asked out by a girl wins. Number, date, you name it." Kalen said, this does sound interesting.

"I should be able to do this. let me in let me in!" I protested.

"Love, can you go order a drink." Fred said and gave me money and I nodded and got up and walked over to the bar.

"Butter beer with two shots." I said and the man nodded and began to do the drink.

"From the area?" He asked and smirked.

"Nope." I said.

"Well I could make this vacation exciting for you. Say, wanna go out after my shift? I could show you the good stuff here in Paris." Is he hitting on me! Wait does he want sex?!

"Only if I get to tell you a secret first." I fake smiled and leaned in, he did too. "Fuck off." I whispered then slapped him across his face. "Get my drink. This one is on the house." He nodded and quickly got my drink and gave it to me, then gave me my money back.

I went back over to Fred and huffed as I gave him his stupid drink and sat down. "He tried to get with me." I huffed.

"And that is why you're not doing this." Fred said with a smirk, "now if you excuse me I have to go punch a French man-"

"Sit down." I pulled on his arm and this time he huffed. "If this is friendly then there is no winnings."

"We'll talk about that later." He said. Now I'm curious.


"I'm standing right here!" Fred yelled as some guy, he was holding my hand and just kissed me. And this guy asks me out. "Get the fuck outta here!"

"These French men are bold." I muttered and squeezed his hand harder.

"That's one way of saying it." Fred muttered. Kalen was sucked back into the adults a while back, Fred and I ran before they got to us. We went on a three hour walk and I'm proud to say I didn't ask to be carried once. It was about 11 at night and we were going back to our room so Fred could talk to Kalen about the winnings of the bet (that he is certain he will win) and I'm going to sleep. Lee and Leo were visiting Leo's family for the first night and I think the fourth night.

Well, I guess no carrying is coming to an end. "I'm tireddd." I whined. Fred chuckled, knowing I was going to say that anytime soon. I stuck my arms up and he grabbed me, I knew he was going to throw me over his shoulder so I just clamped to his front.

"You're rubbing against my dick princess." He whispered against my ear and I giggled.

"I'm not trying to." I whispered back.

He set me back down on the ground and I huffed, "if I can't fuck you then you can't get my dick hard." He said, "on my back."

"Okay!" He crouched down and I jumped onto his back with a grunt and he stood up, he is so tall. We were only feet away from the hotel. He knocked on Kalen's door as he walked by. Then he unlocked the door to our room and went in. I hopped down to the ground, it's a long way down let me tell you that.

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