| T H I R T Y - O N E |

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Fred's POV:

"You're a fucking cunt!" Hermione screamed from upstairs. I jerked my head back in shock. I never thought Hermione Ganger would scream 'cunt'. Ever.

Bee and I just stopped by since Narcissa decided to cook something for the dinner at my flat with the parents. I really wish we don't have to do this stupid thing. I got out of it since I was sick, but that was a week ago and now I'm fine

I already sent Bee to stand outside the manor so she didn't hear the fight, since, well, she didn't know she was basically involved in the whole argument.

Because after all, Bee is the other woman Draco loves.

I want to punch him so hard for being an idiot.

Mione came storming down the stairs with a bag over her shoulder, crying. She shoved right past us and opened the front door. As it slowly swung close, I heard Bee's voice, and thankfully, Mione wasn't all mad at her. She just said she had to go, and left.

Draco came down the stairs next. I looked down at my feet, pretending to be interested at my shoes. "You guys done? Officially?"

"Yeah." Draco sighed.

"Freddie." I turned around and saw Bee's poked head through the door. "Can I come in now? Hi ferret."

"C'mon Brooke, we'll go get that food so you aren't late." Kalen said and Bee nodded, walking into the foyer and following after Kalen.

I opened my mouth to say something to Draco but he cut me off, "don't even Weasley. I treated Mione like shit before the end. It wasn't fucking fair to her so don't run your mouth saying some smart ass comment. I know I fucked up. I love Mione but I love Br-"

"Don't." I said. "She doesn't need to know. You're one of her best friends. She already has to deal with Kalen's ass."

"Fine. I love Mione. But I love her more."

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. Un-fucking-believable.

"Fred! Holy shit we need to haul ass!" Bee came running around the corner with the bag holding food flaring in the air. "They're coming in 15 minutes!"

I pulled out my phone quickly and checked the time. Oh shit. We aren't even changed yet.

"Thank your mum for the food." Bee gave Draco a quick hug then the same to Kalen, then we left. "I need to shower."

"I told you this morning to take a shower Bee, why didn't you listen?"

"I dunno." She shrugged, "see you in five."

"Keep the door open." I mumbled.

"Ey ey!" She walked into the washroom, not closing the door, then started the shower.

"Do I need to check the water?!" I asked from the hallway over the running water.

"... no." She said. I gave her two seconds, then walked into the washroom and felt the water on my hand.

"Bee." I muttered.

"Aren't you a busy man?" She hummed. I turned down the heat then backed away and left the room. I checked on the roast in the over, then went to our room and stripped out of my clothes to change into more... formal ones.

A blue buttoned shirt and black trousers. It feels like I'm in work clothes to eat fucking dinner. I grabbed a belt from my dresser drawer and began to feed it through the hoops.

Bee came back in with a towel wrapped around her, then dropped it, going over to the mirror at one corner of the room. "Did I get tan?"

She turned to the side and looked over her body as I did the same thing. But I wasn't looking for tan lines. Fuck she looked good. She turned around and looked at me with a little pouty look.

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