| S E V E N T Y - T W O |

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Lots of people wanted the others POV again so I shall do that just for you because I love you. Just, I'm pushing them all into this chapter sooo... get ready!!!


Draco's POV:

How fucking sad is my life?

I have a fuck buddy. Not a girlfriend. I'm 24 and more than half of my friends are married- to each other! I was- am- whatever- a alcoholic. And, I've liked the same girl for how many fucking years.

And then I live with Kalen. It's not bad. But we're both hopelessly in love with Brooke and it's fucking depressing.

"C'mon Malfoy, get up!" Kalen said and banged his fist on the door. I groaned and rolled over to my back, pulling a pillow over my face.

"Fuck. Off." I muttered. But of course he didn't fuck off. He opened the door and came in. "Do you have fucking ears?"

He climbed onto the bed and I knew he laid down next to me, then he grabbed the pillow from me. I didn't look at him though. I looked up at the ceiling.

"Watcha looking at?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just don't want to look at you" I mumbled.

He turned his head and looked at me. "I think I'm too pretty not to look at." He whispered. I looked over at him and he smiled a little. "See?"

"You're okay looking." I whispered back.

"Then that makes you straight up trash looking."

"Thanks for the brutal truth."

"No problem."

We held silence for a couple of seconds- which felt like forever- then I quickly looked back up straight and he did too.

"Your bed isn't even that comfortable. How do you spend so much time in it so much?" He mumbled.

"You get used to it." I shrugged.

"You should put something up on your ceiling if you spend hours just looking at it."

"That's the stupidest shit I've heard." I scoffed. 

"You could at least leave your room sometimes. You don't need to leave the house but... I'm lonely."

"Oh, poor Kalen." I looked back over at him and pouted out my lower lip making him chuckle. He moved his head closer to me, hiding his face in my shoulder which made me laugh a little too.

"I think you'd be happier if you went out more." He mumbled.

"Happier?" I hummed.

He nodded yes with a sigh.

Happier. Hm.

"What kind of happier?" I asked.

"I dunno. Like you don't need to force a smile."

"I don't force a smile. I smile all the time when I'm with the others."

"And when you're not? El and about to pop so George is with her, Lee and Leo are on vacation, Cami and James are in parent mode, and Weasley and Brooke have been keeping to themselves recently." He listed on. "I'm all by myself when you're sleeping 17 hours a day."

He looked back up at me for a response. "You could come in here." I offered.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He grinned a little and I rolled my eyes.

I looked back up at the ceiling yet again, then I felt Kalen's hand on my arm and I relaxed just a little.

"I'm not lonely." I whispered.

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