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Guess who's getting married?

Not Kalen and Lexi.

Thank god.

It's Lee and Leo!

So, apparently there was a rehearsal for the rehearsal dinner three days ago but Fred and I couldn't make it. I mean, why would I need to go to a rehearsal for a rehearsal dinner anyways?

Freddie grabbed the door for me and I walked into the restaurant, he came up behind me and put his hand on the small of my back and led me to the party hall at the back.

Me and Fred didn't have a rehearsal dinner. Neither did Ellie and George. Cami and James actually did.

I remember cause I got dressed up, ready to go, but only found my way back to Fred's hospital room. I felt so guilty for even thinking of leaving him for a few hours.

As soon as we both stepped foot into the room I was pushed back away from Fred by Lee and Cami. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Come here Weasley." Lee said as he walked quickly to the washrooms. Why are we going so fast?

"Slow down." I mumbled as I struggled to keep up.

They took me into the mens and Fred followed in, totally confused. "Got it?" Lee asked and cami nodded, handing him a short knitted white cardigan. "Put this on."

"Why?" I asked as I took the cardigan and pulled it on. I don't like long sleeve stuff. "Was there a dress code?"

"Yeah actually. You would know if you were here the other day." Lee muttered.

"We were busy. What's the big deal?" Fred asked.

"Okay, so here's the thing," Lee said, "Leo's family is Christian. Like super Christian. His parents and grandparents are extreme Christians. And they are here. And Y'know... we're gay. So, we're already giving them a heart attack so the least we could do is have a proper wedding. Super formal. So there's rules. Obviously."

"Rules?" I asked.

"Yep." He sighed, "no shoulders. Well, no showing shoulders. If you had a dress showing shoulders for tomorrow, don't wear it. No shoulders showing. No cleavage. No boob. Maybe collarbone. Weasley, are you wearing a tie tomorrow?" He asked.

"No." He said.

"Yes you are." He corrected him. "And a jacket."

"What?" He asked.

"Here's what I told the others: no swearing, no inappropriate jokes. For you two, Weasley: no ass grabbing, slapping or pinching. No hand holding unless Weasley is asking you to dance. No close togetherness while dancing or really anytime. A kiss on the cheek by Fred is okay after a dance or if you're greeting her after she's been gone for a while. No on the lips kissing, or on the neck, forehead, anywhere. Also, Brooke, you can't kiss him at all. Only he does the kissing. It's a gentleman thing. And, you can only dance with people who are your family. Meaning; Weasley. So, the only other two guys you can dance with is Draco, George, or Kalen. If they ask, say you're cousins to Kalen and Draco is your stepbrother. George is obviously your brother in law. Okay? I think they covers everything. No touching, no swearing, no shoulder, wear a jacket and tie. Oh! You two can link arms while walking from one place to another. Brooke, you're wearing high heels. And sit um, properly. Hands in your lap, leg crossed over the other. And Weasley, please don't look like you want to murder everyone except Brooke. Smile, it looks nice on you. Also, no dancing with the same gender. Fred, you can dance with Brooke or Ellie. You'll probably only want to dance with them anyways." He rambled. "Last note, do this this the whole time Leo's family is around. Even if you don't think they are, they are."

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