| F O R T Y - O N E |

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Brooklyn's POV:

"Did Fred do that to you?!" My dad yelled. It's the first thing he said to me.

How about hi? Hello?

Not take one look at my black eye and assume Fred punched me.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Severus!" My mum yelled.

"Well- look at you!" My dad yelled.

I slammed the door on his face, turned on my heel and walked back into the den and sat down next to Fred. He was doing what he did when I left, texting George about some work thing that didn't go through.

"What was the hun? You're parents?" Molly asked, she was wiping her hands with a wash cloth.

"Nope." I said and smiled a little. Fred nudged my knee with his, knowing I was lying. But didn't know why.

"I'll just go double check." She said and walked down the hall.

"What was that all about?" Fred asked.

I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by my parents barging into the room. "Excuse me missy, you do not do that." My mother said.

Snape was glaring at Fred.

Fred looked up from his phone for a second to greet my parents, but froze when he saw Snape.

"Oh shit, what did I do this time?" He whispered to me.

"You gave me a black eye." I whispered back.

His eyes shot wide.

"No I didn't!"

"Then explain that." My father demanded and gestured towards me.

"I- uh- well-" c'mon Fred.

"Yeah, you two never explained how this happened." Arthur who was here now I guess, asked.

Fred was a sputtering mess. "He didn't do it." I said.

"We're not saying that." My mum said.

"Yes you are!" I exclaimed.

"Well, your father is, but just explain." Molly said.

"And don't give me the I walked into the wall shit." My dad said.

"Nothing happened." I said. Well that's not believable because I have a black eye.

"She's fine." Fred said.

"No! She clearly isn't!" My dad yelled and pointed at me.

"But, she's alive so-" I know he didn't mean it like that.

Fred is this super controlling guy. He hardly gives two fucks about things. About what people say about him, or if they judge him. If he says something or does something and someone tries to joke about, he can push it off in this super easy and cool way, acting like it wasn't bothering him. He could handle it a lot of things.

But when it comes to my mum, his mum, my dad and his, he's a mess. He's so not in control. He gets flustered easily and worked up.

I mean, sure, sometimes Molly say something about him or us as a couple and he'll tell her to shove off.

It's mostly when my dad is involved.

He's been able to handle it, but not well. Even at school, after he told my dad to fuck off, he'd lose his shit. Like, completely scared.

That's when he's my big baby.

... I'm still not in control though.

"So you don't care cause she's alive?!" It was Molly this time.

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