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"Can you actually fuck off." Fred muttered to me, I thought he was just joking and kept running my fingers over his abs. I always do this. It used to be when I was just anxious, but now I just like to absentmindedly do it.

He also likes when I do it, he's always told me it feels good. He's laying on the bed and I'm on top of him so why wouldn't I?

"Brooke stop."

I paused. He never calls me Brooke. He only calls me that when he's actually deadass mad.

He hasn't said Brooke since the end of fifth year.

"Jesus Christ just get off of me." He said. Tears stung at my eyes as I got off, standing at the side of the bed and he sat up.

"What did I do?" I asked quietly.

"I told you to stop and you didn't. You're really pissing me off lately." He muttered again, "and now you're crying. Do you ever stop."

"I thought I was just being nice. You like when I do that." I mumbled and looked down.

"I had a rough fucking day and you're being annoying. I don't need your hands all over me. I'm just trying to fucking sleep."

"How am I being annoying? I'm acting like I usually do."

"You're getting too clingy. You can't do shit for yourself anymore. I can't do anything because you're always tying me down." He huffed and got off the bed, grabbing a shirt, I watched as he moved around.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"No you're fucking not. You're acting like a child. You can't even dress yourself anymore. Or fucking walk for that matter. I can't even fuck you anymore without you just acting like a normal person."

"Freddie, I didn't-"

"Cut the bullshit." I then noticed he was making his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To George's." Then he slammed the door.

I shot up, my eyes opening quickly as I looked around the dark room. My heart was hammering, feeling like it was about to explode.

Fred's not here.

Where did he go? When I fell asleep he was holding me and now he's gone.

Did he actually leave me? Was the dream true? What is going on right now?

Although I was so disoriented, I got out of bed and made my way out of the bedroom and to the stairs, going down them and to the kitchen where I saw the over lights of the sink on.

And Fred.

He was leaned against the counter, glass in one hand and a piece of paper in the other, no doubt it had to do with work. This man always works. I don't know why. I hate working. I always put it aside.

My little sniffle brought my back to reality and Fred quickly looked over at me, then in a second emptied his hands and came over to me, picking me up. I wrapped my limbs around him and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"What happened, love?" He whispered gently.

"You left me." I whimpered, doing my best to hold in any tears. It was a dream. It wasn't real.

"It was only for water..." he trailed off and I could tell he was confused.

"No you left me because I was too clingy- and you went to George's." I sobbed.

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