| F O R T Y - S I X |

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Music pounded in my ear, making a slight ringing sound. Ring? Is that the word?

I don't know. I'm so drunk.

Some guy from the ministry that Kalen and Draco, and also the twins, know, is having a Valentine's party. Valentines! I've never been to one. Except now. It's pretty fun. It's like a normal party... put making out is just so normal. Everyone is doing it.

I'm having the time of my fucken life.

I don't think I ever want to leave this place.

Cami passed me a blunt, then lit it for me, and just as I went to take a drag, the drug got taken away from my lips. I huffed and looked up, seeing Fred pass the blunt to Lee and give me a disapproving look.

I've only had like... three! That's not a lot!

And a lot of shots.

A lot a lot.

And normal drinks.

Lots of 'em too.

Again, I love this place.

"Freddie." I groaned and turned around on the couch, looking up at him, "I wanted that, mister."

"Too bad, missy. You're done for the night." He shot back.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Bee, you're done for the night."

"Says who?"

"Literally me dumb ass. If I see you with a blunt between your lips, you're gonna be in deep shit, so I suggest you listen to me."

"No." I challenged him. I grabbed the blunt from Lee and took a very long drag from it, tilted my head back, and blew out.

Fred grabbed onto my face, holding tightly on my jaw- like seriously, he had a good grip on me- then grabbed the blunt, squished it between his fingers and dropped it into my cup of alcohol once it was out. 

"I wasn't done with either of those." I whispered.

"I. Don't. Give. A. Single. Fuck."

"Get her ass Weasley!" I heard a very drunk Ellie say from behind me. Freddie grinned.

"See, baby? You're bad so many time, El already knows you're in for it." He said. "You're a bad girl, Bee. So be better." I put the weight of my face into his hand and pouted my lower lip out.

"Oh shit," Lee whispered, "I'm fucking plastered- Weasley just turned me on- Leo!" He shot up and bolted away.

Fred turned me on too bud.

My eyes were glued to the bulge in Fred's pants, so he squeezed my cheeks and I looked back up at me through my eyelashes. "What do you say?"

"Sorry, daddy." I whispered as I put my hand over his and smiled. He grunted. "You're hard."

"And if I pulled those panties to the side, I'd see how wet you are."

"Brooklyn! Shots!" Cami yelled. I gasped and got away from Fred so quick, he was after me though. "Hey! Weasley, she's mine."

"You fuck her? No." He snatched my waist and pulled me away.

"Someone's grumpy." She sang.

"And horny." I giggled after I got sat down on his lap, feeling his boner.

Fred ignored my comment and grabbed the water he brought me, which he dropped on the couch. "Drink."

"Im not that thirsty."

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