| F I F T Y - T W O |

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Fred's POV:

"Theres no way he has a girlfriend. Maybe it was a dog wearing a wig." George chuckled and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm deadass serious. Kalen's bringing her now." Malfoy said.

"Right now?" Lee asked. Malfoy nodded.

"Who's coming?" Bee asked after coming down the stairs, while trying to do her hair.

"Go put a shirt on over that." I said, not answering her question. That bathing suit is way to small to not be covered up.

"No. Who's coming?" She asked and looked over at Malfoy.

"Oh- um-" he grunted a cough. "Kalen and his... girlfriend."

"He has a girlfriend?! Fucking finally!" She exclaimed and bounced a little. Malfoy glued his eyes to her tits as she did so.

"You're fucking annoying." I muttered and grabbed her, shoving her up the stairs to our room. "Put on a shirt

"I don't want to."

"You can take it off later."

"But I don't want it on in the first place."

"I don't care Bee, put a shirt on."


"You're a pain in my ass." I huffed as I reached into the dresser and pulled out a black shirt, "arms up."

And now she fucking listens. She's such a big baby.

"Seriously?" I muttered.

"I like when you dress me." She smiled as I pulled the shirt down, letting it fall past her knees.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because you should already know that. Let's go," she took my hand and brought me down the stairs quickly, but paused when she made eye contact with a new girl in the house. "Um."

She had long blond hair, and wasn't Bee short but she wasn't also that tall. Green eyes and thin. And was also wearing a bathing suit with shades on her head.

"Hi! I'm Alexis, but everyone calls me Lexi. You must be Brooke. Right?" She said with a smile. Bee didn't move.

"Girlfriend." I whispered.

"Yeah that's right." Bee said, "it's nice to meet you."

"Same here! Kalen was so excited for us to meet for some reason." She said with a little shrug. Oh boy. Wonder why.

"Oh! This is Fred, he's my husband." It sounds like she's bragging, and really, she is. Lexi looked up at me with a smile.

"Tall." She said, then blinked and her smile was gone. "I mean hi! I'm sorry. Oh my god."

"It's fine. He's a giant." Bee said and patted my stomach... well... my abs really.

"Kalen's also really short." I said.

"I'm not." Kalen said as he walked up to us and put an arm around his girlfriends shoulder. "See you've met the nice one and the dick."

"Brooke isn't a dick." Lexi said. I chuckled but it was short lived. Its funny how she jumped to the thought that the dick was Bee.

"Not her. Watch out for grumpy pants." He kissed her cheek, then turned her and walked her away from us.

"She seems nice." Bee said after turning to me. "Looks like Kalen really likes her."

"Yeah, it does." I mumbled.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Like what? C'mom, go get our bag, we're leaving." I patted my hand on her ass and her cheeks glowed red as she walked away. I went over to the others while Bee took her sweet ass time.

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