| T H I R T Y - E I G H T |

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Fred's POV:

"Are you sure you don't want to come out with me?" I asked Bee. She nodded her head yes and pulled the blankets up to her chin. "Okay. I won't be out long."

"Have fun." She whispered and puckered her lips. I leaned over and gave her a kiss, then got off the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me, then left the flat.

I locked the door to the shop behind me, then met the others outside.

Others being: the jackass, the bottom, the drunk, the vanilla, the gay, and the gay number two.

Kalen, George, Draco, James, Leo, and Lee.

"There your slow ass is. Jesus Christ." Kalen muttered as he dropped his cigarette stub and stepped on it. "I've had two of these already."

"Yeah, cause you inhale those things in 30 seconds." Draco muttered.

"Can we go, I need something to drink." James said.

"Yeah, let's go." I said.

Lee and Kalen thought it would be a good idea if us 'men' went out to a bar, hoping some things will get smoothed over with Draco.

I still want to knock a tooth out of that motherfucker.

"I'm sorry, but you think bringing an alcoholic to a bar is a good idea?" I laughed, the realization hitting me. "I don't want to be a babysitter for him."

"Brooke's been helping him. He's two months sober... you can control yourself... right?" Lee asked at the end.

"Soda and water." Draco said.

"See." Kalen said, "hell, maybe I won't even drink!"

"Little too far." George said, "you're gonna get plastered."

"Hey! I'm a good role model!"

"I don't need a role model." Draco grumbled.

"If anything, Fred would be the role model. He doesn't drink." Leo said.

"I drink, I don't get drunk. There's a difference." I corrected him. "And like he said, he doesn't need a role model."

"Not him anyways." Draco said under his breath.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you want Bee?" I looked over at him just as he rolled his eyes.

"Better than you."

"I never fucking volunteered!"

"Brooke actually did helped him sober up so she would be a good role model." Kalen said quietly.

"Is this gonna be your deal for the whole night? Staring me down and holding back the urge to swing at me?" Malfoy muttered.

"Yeah, actually. That's the whole plan." I said.

"And I bet Brooke begged you not to."

"Oh boy." Lee whispered.

"Don't fucking mock her. Two months ago you wanted to fuck her!"

"Oh mate, hate to break it to you. But I still do. And so does Kalen, and so does literally else!"

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