58.5:"Lost in dirt"

Start from the beginning

Just as she steps into the lounge her eyes widen looking at him. It's been a difficult week. With her brother knowing about her and the way she is around this man, she didn't want to go through the pain. Zubair doesn't know her secret and she didn't want to start something that will end badly for the two of them.

The cat wiggle in her hands running to Zubair who picks it. She watches amazed at how the small cat was nuzzling in his big arms who holds it securely and when the cat makes a sound of disappointment he immediately starts to pet it.

"Traitor". She mumble when he laughs and she felt all her worries vanishing

"She was mine before she was yours". He said, smiling as he walks closer to her

She inspect his wounds which were now healing properly. His face was visible to a new level now. With bruises, she just imagine how he will look without them. She didn't think that his bare face will cause her heart to start beating loudly. She just hopes he didn't hear the sound.

"You don't look well". He commented and she flush, "Is my cat troubling you?"

She shakes her head because this cat always stays by her side whenever she was down.

"Just life".

"Well, that shouldn't be stopping you this young". He said, sighing, when the cat runs out of his arms, "You are still young, Aima. What is that troubles you so much and stop you from doing what you want?"

"Overthinking". She said, shrugging, "I guess if I found some truth later in life it would have been easy".

"You mean to say that being oblivious to truth would have brought you comfort?" He asked, with a bitter laugh, "Yeah. I thought that once. If I had known the truth, no, if I never found the truth it would have been better. But if I didn't, how many more lives would be at stake? How many more people would have gone through the pain?" He sighs, "It is not that being oblivious saves us. At times, it hurts more. You don't understand why things are happening and what can you possibly do to do better. At least, knowing the truth, you can structure and plan accordingly".

"What if there is no solution?"

His eyes find Tauheed&Sarah who are trying to act like they are not interested in them. He shakes his head at their behaviour.

"There is always a solution. Sometimes it means that you accept who you are and never let any other being shake you".

She smiles, slightly, "Your face looks better".

He laughs, "Don't count on it. It will be the same soon".


"I work with your brother".

Her eyes widen in shock, "You too?"

"Why? You don't like it?"

She shifts, awkwardly, "My opinion doesn't matter".

"It does to me".

He heard Tauheed aggressive coughing as his wife hits him taking him away.

She twirls the end of her hijab in her hand, "Oh. It scares me whenever bhai (brother) goes in these things. I already lost of my family and I don't want to lose anyone else".

A grin appears on his face, "So you are scared for me?"

Her cheeks flush, as she stutters, "Ah, I mean if you don't go around hitting everyone would be nice".

"I can't promise that. Some people deserve to be beaten".

She nodded, "How about you promise only to hit those who deserves it?"

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