Perhaps the Togruta's connections were more complicated than he first thought.

It was established that they would bring the case back to the Council on Coruscant, so important Onderon's situation was. On the way, that would be the time that the Masters talked to their apprentices.

"I want you to meditate, y/n," Aayla through comms, on another channel to Anakin and Ahsoka, so she was speaking directly to him.

Complying, he shut his eyes, the spinning purple vortex of hyperspace disappearing behind his closed eyelids.

"What do you feel right now?"

"Peace. Control. Relaxed, yet alert."

His Master nodded in satisfaction. "Remember those feelings. Don't lose them, keep them close, and focus on them. At all times y/n, no matter what the situation is. No matter who you're with. There is no passion, only serenity."

His blood ran cold and he tensed. Was that a direct reference to Ahsoka? Surely his actions and behaviour wasn't that obvious...but what if his love was proven and Aayla told the Council? What if Ahsoka somehow found out, thought he was an unorthodox creep, and ended up despising him?

The Twi'lek's voice softened, her tone supportive and understanding. "Don't fear, my apprentice. Stay strong, stay focused, and let the Force guide you."

The line went quiet after that, and y/n was left to his own thoughts.

Anxiety and guilt filled his mind, as well as a sort of new emotion that he had never experienced before. It pulled at his heartstrings and it was as if some type of warmth was blossoming in his chest, but it was stressful and miserable, all thoughts centralising on Ahsoka and how he could never be with her. He would feel it a lot more in the next few days, and would know it as lovesickness.

The Onderon rebels were handled more differently than y/n imagined, at least on his part.

Once the Jedi had gotten back to Coruscant, the situation was immediately brought before the Council, who agreed to the cause of 'freeing' the planet. Anakin had assembled a team consisting of himself, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex and y/n. The team was immediately dropped zoned into the dense jungles of Onderon, everyone except y/n.

He went in undercover, arriving before the main group a day before, posing as a native of the planet and joining the rebel group. It gave him a chance to blend in with the soon-to-be soldiers, observe their progress like the Council had suggested without the targets knowing.

The Jedi arrived at the entrance of the secret base, led by Steela and followed by two Dalgos and a rebel. After Saw descended on his Ruping, he dismounted and walked towards the newcomers. A brief introduction and exchange was made, before the group walked together to the makeshift 'war room', a tall, open-air circular stone space with a holotable in the centre. A meeting was called, and most of the rebels began to gather there.

y/n immediately brightened as soon as he spotted Ahsoka's familiar form. It had only been a day or so since they had parted, but most of the time that he had to himself were spent wondering what she was doing. Following the others, he also arrived at the war room.

Leaning against the wall with one leg bent, he crossed his arms. Quietly, he listened to the Jedi's plan of action, though his eyes remained mostly on Ahsoka.

"The Separatists have strength in numbers," Anakin said, stepping forwards. "We're gonna show you how to target and destroy them."
"Now, to be clear, we are not here to fight your war, rather, to show you how to conduct it in the most efficient and successful way possible," Obi-Wan announced. His gaze passed over each of the rebels, inconspicuously searching for y/n, who was disguised in the Onderon soldiers' gear and a bandana covering most of his face. Unsuccessful in locating him, Obi-Wan finished his words and instead looked at Lux, Steela and Saw, who nodded to show they understood the Jedi's intentions.

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