Chapter 32

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"Man what's taking them so long?"

Pacing back and forth while we waited, all I wanted to know was that Misty was okay. This was the first time I've ever seen this happen to her and it scared me, thinking that I was the cause of it.

"Aug relax before you end up in a room here too." My mother told me.

Sighing heavily, as soon as I sat, the doors opened and in came here aunt quickly.

"Where is she?" She asked as soon as she saw us.

"She's still back there. No one has came to us as yet."

Sighing as well, she took sat. Jennifer was like Misty's big sister even though she was her aunt. The time when I knew her, the way she looked out for her was dope and I respected that.

"What the hell even happened?" She finally asked. "I went to Chandra's to see her and they told me y'all were here."

"Girl we don't know how or what caused it, but she woke up from her sleep with a nose bleed and it just wasn't stopping, then she passed out."

All while my mother explained, I just sat quietly in my thoughts.


Hearing her name, we all got up and approached the doctor.

"Family?" He asked.

"I'm her aunt, this is her boy friend and his mother."

"She was with us when it happened." My mother said.

"Okay well I'll talk to the aunt first and then you can relay it to them. Standard procedure."

"No problem." My mother nodded.

Standing there, I watched as they walked off a bit while he explained. Exhaling, I sat back where I was and waited.

"Why he couldn't just tell us?" I huffed.

"Because we are not family, legally."

"We're going to be so it doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. Now stop being like this."

"Being like what? My girl is laid up in there and I don't know what's going on because I'm not her fucking family, legally."

"I'm not doing this with you. Not here, not today so shut that lah tantrum down."

Looking at her, she just sat there afterwards. Sighing, I just relaxed when I saw her aunt coming.

"What did he say?"

"Apparently she suffered a posterior nosebleed."

"What caused that? Is she okay?"

"Apparently her pressure is through the roof that's why it happened. She's resting now, but they're not discharging her till her pressure drops."

Hearing that her pressure was high, I felt bad. I knew my current situation had a part to play in that and now this is what it has caused.

"I'm calling my mother to find out what has been going on with her because this isn't like Misty."

"It's my fault." I spoke up.

"I'm sure its not Aug, don't say that." Her aunt smiled a little.

"It is my fault." I sighed and rubbed my hands down my face.

Gathering my thoughts, I exhaled and began to explain everything. When I finally said it, both my mother and Jenny were just staring at me.

"You got that girl pregnant?" My mother questioned.

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