Chapter 67 - Also Vaeh, Reesey, The Pizza Was Delicous.

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"With who?" We hear Finn and Blaine ask loudly and the curtains open up as the light flashes on.

"With everyone!" Santana yelled out loud as she opens her arms up and Kurt and Finn snap their heads to us.

Quinn and I turn Reese and Nevaeh around and hold their hands up and wave at them.

"Surprise!" Mercedes yells out with a smile and Kurt and Finn eyes go wide with smiles. They both dash down the aisle and run up to us. Just then, Sam, Puck and Artie come from backstage and over to us. Everyone gives them hugs. Well, Quinn and I don't hug Artie.

Just then, Finn and Kurt run on the stage. They run up to me and Quinn who are no standing.

"Move bitch." Finn yells at Puck who was standing next to me. I introduced the twins to Puck and Tina in the car. I have no idea where Tina is though.

Finn and Kurt carefully take the twins from us and squeal.

"Hi Reesey, your so cute. Yes you are, yes you are." Finn says with a grin as he gives him kiss and he smiles.

"Hi Vaeh. It's your uncle Kurt. I'm gonna show you about all the fashion tips. Your gonna be the next supermodel. And I'm gonna give you makeup and we are gonna have so much fun together!" Kurt squeals out in happiness and I let out a small laugh.

"So y'all are just gonna ignore our presence like that? Wow." Puck says with an eyeroll and everyone laughs.

"Yeah dudes, we exist too you know." Sam folds his arms in offense and Mercedes rubs his back.

"They are babies. Be respectful." Kurt says to us through gritted teeth and he glares at us.

"Yeah, shame on you guys. They just got into the world they need the extra love. Do you have no respect?" Finn asked while looking at us like we killed someone and I roll my eyes.

"Dramatic asses." Quinn says while everyone was thinking and I hum in agreement.

"Now the whole gang is back to reboot the glee club." Rachel says as she comes onto the stage and everyone comes in for a group hug.

"Damn it you guys, you said you'd wait for me to park the rental car!" We hear the voice of Tina yell from behind us and we turn around and see her running up to us out of breath. She stops a few feet away from us and looks at us with disappointment in her eyes.

"Well, we were but the twins got fussy so." I say as I point to the twins who were smiling at Tina.

"Well, I can't stay mad at them." She says as she waves to them and Kurt and Finn grab their hands and wave it back.

"Tina! Tina! Come on!" We all being to say at the same Tina and Tina looks at us confused.

Come over here! Let's go!" Sam says while gesturing to all of us.

"Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina, Tina..." We all chant at the same time and a smile appears Tina's face. "Come on Tina!" We all yell again and Tina runs over to us with a bright smile.

"Ya, group hug!!" We all yell as we come in for a group hug and cheer together.
"It's so great to have you all together in this room again. It means so much to us that you would come at the drop of a hat." Rachel starts off as we all gathered into the choir room and I shrug my shoulders.

"It actually wasn't by the drop of a hat. I was hesitant to come here because I wasn't sure about traveling on the plane with the twins but Quinn convinced me that they would be fine. And they were so here we are." I correct them with a shrug as I was sketching out Quinn. I just felt like drawing her.

My Broken Rebel - Quinn FabrayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora