Chapter 65 - YOU SUCK!

Start from the beginning

"You can't expect total strangers to know exactly who you are. I mean, look at Angelina Jolie— she used to be that girl with the vial blood around her neck who liked kissing her brother, and now she's Mother Earth." Santana gave an example and I nod my head in agreement as I eat my 3 pound plate filled with loaded nachos. I'm hungry as fuck. Even though I already ate 5 times today, not including snacks in between.

"How'd she do it?" Rachel queried curiously as she looks around the table for an answer.

"She has two things. A publicist and a cause." I reply and Rachel looks at me with a surprised look on her face.

"She can't afford a publicist." Blaine comments while looking at me with a puzzled look.

"And I've always been my cause." Rachel hollers out and most of the dinner looks towards us.

"Inside voice, honey." Kurt tells her while eating his salad.

"Sorry." Rachel mouths while closing her eyes.

"Well, you don't need a publicist when you got Snixx and preggo on your side." Santana states as she gestures between me and her and I look at her with a puzzled look.

"When the hell did I say I was gonna be Rachel's publicist?" I ask with full on confusion in my face and Santana leans into my ear.

"Think smart Q. If we are Rachel's publicist, we will be working for her and therefore she will be paying us. We get to boss Rachel around and we get paid. It's a win win." Santana informs me and a smile creeps it's way onto my face as I smile.

"As long as we are getting paid." I say and me and Santana hi five each other.

"We will gladly be your publicist." I state with a smile and Rachel squeals and claps.

"If there's one thing I know about, it's cultivating an image. I'm high school, I was a huge bitch, but also most popular, I was voted Best Shoulder to Cry On and Most Likely to Poison Someone." Santana rants on while gloating and Rachel's smile turns into a loom of disbelief. Rachel stands up and rushes over to someone behind us. I turn my head around and see her storming up to a lady stuffing a dog in a bag and the dog is whimpering. Wtf?

Rachel then confronts the woman and the woman says it's a service dog like that makes it any better. That in fact makes it worse. We watch along as Rachel and the woman argue back and forth until the woman stands up and leaves the resturant, but not before calling Rachel a peta.

"God, people are just unbelievable." Rachel says while coming back over to us and she sits back down next to Kurt. "I think I just found my cause." Rachel says as a smile dances it's way onto her face.

I wonder what that is.
Rebels POV: January 24th, 2014

Hello again Ms. Fabray and Ms. Evans. How are you two today?" Dr. Murphy asked me and Quinn as we were at her office again. We have to come to the hospital once a week now since the babies are coming soon.

"Uh, we are doing well. Just waiting for the babies to come." I reply with a smile as I move Quinn further up onto my lap.

"That's nice. Now, the twins are due very soon. How do you guys feel?" Dr. Murphy asked us as Quinn looks back at me.

"Um, I'm a mixture of excited and nervous. I'm nervous to give birth but I am very excited for my babies to come." Quinn replied to her as she looks back at Dr. Murphy.

"Same. I'm nervous for Quinn but I'm overall really excited to see my twins." I added on with a smile and I rub Quinn's belly as she lays back against me.

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