Episode 20: Monsters Inc. vs. Fear Co.

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It was 6:04 in the morning. Sulley loudly snored on his bed as he exhaled and made his fur flutter. 

As the clock hit 6:05, the radio DJ's voice flew out of the radio. "Hey! Good morning, Monstropolis. It's now five after the hour of 6:00 A.M. In the big monster city."

Mike pretended to be the radio and continued, "Temperature's a balmy 68 degrees, which is better news for you cephalopods than reptiles, and it looks like it's going to be a perfect day to maybe, hey, just lie in bed, sleep in, or simply... work out that flab that's hanging over the bed! Get up, Sulley!" Mike blew the bull horn to Sulley's ear.

"BAHH!! WAHH!" startled, Sulley screamed abruptly woke up. 

Sulley asked as he dropped to the floor in the living room and started doing push-ups, "I'm no longer a Scarer, do I still have to do this?" 

"You gotta lose that belly there, Sulley!" Mike said. "It's even rounder than me!"

But Tylor likes my round belly, Sulley thought. 

"Now less talk and more sweat, marshmallow boy!" Mike said. 

Sulley's workout routine was modified as there was no roaring or anything that would scare the children. "Left arm! Good! Now, right arm! Keep switching those arms!" Mike coached as Sulley did push-ups with one arm, changing the arm for every push-up. 

"Bend those legs! Thigh muscles are the key to weight loss!" Mike coached as Sulley did squats. Sulley took heavy breaths between the squats.

"I don't know, but it's been said, I love amusing kids in bed!" Mike sang as he sat on the chair with everything on it as Sulley pushed on it. 

"Come on, fight that plaque! Fight that plaque!" Mike said as Sulley was brushing his teeth. 

"Do I still have to fight it?" Sulley paused and asked in a muffled voice as his mouth was half full of toothpaste. "I'm not a Scarer anymore."

"No way! I don't care how good the insurance here now at Monstropolis," Mike said. "Only time I want you to go to the dentist is a semi-annual checkup!" 

"Can I have 128?" Mike asked as Sulley did upside-down sit-ups. "Do you have 129? Do I see 130? When does the commercial on the TV start?" Mike asked himself as he looked at the television while coaching him. 

"It doesn't start until 8:30," Sulley said. 

"Wait, the commercial doesn't start until around 8:30?" Mike asked.

"Apparently," Sulley answered. "But hey, at least we can watch the commercial with all of the faculty. We planned to watch it together."

"How come I didn't know about this?" Mike asked. Sulley shrugged. 


When they arrived at Monsters Inc., the majority of the staff were at the Laugh Floor to watch the commercial together on the big screen. There were even popcorn and other concessions so that they can snack on it while they watch it. 

"Here it comes!" Mike said as the commercial started to play. 

The narrator's voice, the same as the last one, echoed inside the Laugh Floor. "The future is even brighter at Monsters Incorporated. We're more part of your life. We power your car stronger. We warm your home warmer. We light your city brighter." 

"I'm Monsters Incorporated!" Val appeared in the commercial. 

"Hey, look! It's you, Val!" Sulley exclaimed. Val giggled. 

"Utilizing the ideal funny methods to make the children laugh to produce laughter refined into cleaner and more definable energy. Every time you turn something on, Monsters Incorporated is still there." 

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