Episode 17: Put That Thing Back Where It Came From or So Help Me! Part 3

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The last two weeks before the play was hectic for the cast and the MIFTers. MIFTers were now in charge of the tech for the tech rehearsal.

"Oh, I always wanted to work with the stoplight!" Fritz exclaimed excitedly.

"You mean, 'spotlight'?" Cutter asked.

"I'll eventually work with that when I get a chance!" Fritz responded as he continued to sound excited.

"Who's going to take care of the music?" Tylor asked.

"I heard a lady named Ms. Nesbit is going to play the piano for the play," Val answered. I heard she practiced non-stop ever since Mr. Wazowski finalized the music."

"I never knew he was good with music," Tylor said. "I didn't mean it in an offensive way, I just know he didn't major in music. But then again, he's really good at improvising."

"I heard he sang the lullaby to the baby after our first 4-18," Val said. "How was it?"

"He has a good singing voice," Tylor said. 

"All right! So I assigned a role for each of you guys!" Fritz said as he held up his clipboard of what to do for the MIFTers who were tech crew for the play. "Here it goes!" Fritz cleared his throat before he read the list aloud: "Fritz: adjusting the lights. Cutter: rearranging props on stage and the control panel. Duncan: in charge of the microphones. Tylor and Val: changing the scene after each scene!"

"Yay! Work buds!" "Yeah! Haha!" Val and Tylor respectively exclaimed excitedly as they both exchanged their customized high-fives. 

"By the way, where are Mr. S and Mr. W?" Fritz asked.

"I heard they're in their office, deciding the price on the tickets," Tylor said. 

"Do you think our family members have to pay to watch the show?" Val asked. 

"More likely, but I think they'll make it cheaper somehow," Tylor answered. 


While every other cast member was rehearsing, Mike and Sulley wondered about the ticket prices, and they finally came up with the set price. 

"All right!" Mike cleared his throat before announcing the ticket prices. "$5 for presale, $7 at the door, $4 for the family of the employees, $3 for minors, free admission for the Monsters Inc. faculties!"

"Is there anything else we need to figure out?" Sulley asked. 

"We gotta tell the cast to spread the word about the ticket prices," Mike said as he typed and moved his mouse rigorously before he added, "and... we... are... done! We finally made the flyer with the ticket prices on it! We just need to print these out to pass to the cast members and around the whole Monstropolis!" 

"If we are going to invite that much, we should probably get more chairs," Sulley said. "And we're going to need to some concessions too," Sulley added. 

"We'll have popcorn, snachos, rot dogs, and some boxed candies too!" Mike listed.

"Good idea," Sulley said. 

"Great! I'm gonna order the popcorn machine, and some boxed candies right now!" Mike exclaimed excitedly. 

"Oh, and about boxed candies," Sulley said. "Make sure you get plenty of those Hot Snots." 


When Thursday evening, arrived, the whole cast was very nervous about their first show, including Mike and Sulley. Just before everyone went to their places, Sulley and Tylor met up in secret so that they can comfort each other before the curtain. 

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