Episode 71: Zenovia and MIFTers

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Throughout the week, Tylor's schedule consisted of the following:

9:00 - 10:00 Making kids laugh and fill his quota (50 laugh canisters)

10:00 - 10:45 Comedy Class, which are only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

11:00 - 6:00 Take care of Zenovia until Sulley arrives.

Things went on just fine for him. As Sulley did his CEO duties, Tylor made kids laugh, filled the canisters, held comedy class, and went back to his or Sulley's parents' home to pick up their daughter, and take care of her. 

On Thursday evening, Tylor started to cough a bit. Even though it was a slight cough, Sulley noticed that Tylor's health was off by a bit since it was consecutive. 

"Hey, honey, you okay?" Sulley asked as he heard Tylor coughing consecutively.

"I think I'm feeling a bit under the weather..." Tylor said. Before he continued, he coughed a bit and said, "I thought my body was feeling lazy today since morning, but it turns out, I think I really am getting sick..."

"Why don't you let me take care of things this evening?" Sulley said. "I don't want our little angel to catch your cold." 

"I can still do something," Tylor said. 

"It's okay," Sulley said. "It's better to rest to heal fast than to work more and slow the healing process." 

"All right..." Tylor said. "I took care of the laundry yesterday, so you don't need to worry about it." 

"All right, so cooking, vacuuming, washing the dishes..." Sulley listed as he thought about the usual chores. 

"And playing with her," Tylor said. 

"I got it! I went on two weeks of paternity leave so I got this," Sulley said. 

Thankfully, the evening went smoothly. When Zenovia wanted to see Tylor, he ensured he was sanitized and tried so hard not to cough. He also sanitized the whole room so that he did not spread any more germs. 

"Okay... I'm done with dishes and put her to bed..." Sulley said weakly as he came into the room.

"Good work, Sulley," Tylor said. 

"Give me a 'good work' kiss?" Sulley asked as he leaned in towards Tylor and puckered up. 

"No, I'm still sick," Tylor said. 

"You're worth catching a cold over," Sulley said. 

"If you're also sick, it's impossible to take care of Zia when we're both sick," Tylor said. He coughed a bit after finishing that sentence. 

"You're right..." Sulley said. "I should probably sleep on the couch tonight." 

"Yeah, that's probably for the best..." Tylor said. 

"Why don't we have one of our parents come over and take care of Zenovia?" Sulley suggested. 

"All right..." Tylor agreed. 

Sulley smiled and picked up the phone in their room. He first dialed his parents. "Hey, mom! Tylor's sick, so he might need a babysitter to come over tomorrow. I was wondering if you can do it? ... Oh, it's okay, no problem... All right, good night." After he hung up, he told Tylor, "Well, not our parents. Apparently, my mom and dad have to contact some real estate agent. If they miss this, it could cause a bit of a problem." 

"How about my parents...?" Tylor asked with a bit of cough in between. 

"I'll call them right now!" Sulley said as he dialed the number. "Hello? Hey, Bernard! It's me, Sulley. Tylor is sick today, and I was wondering if you could come over tomorrow and take care of Zenovia? ... Oh... all right... no problem, it's fine... Don't worry about it... Good night..." Sulley sighed as he hung up the phone. 

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