Episode 54: Adopt-a-Monster

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A month passed since Sulley and Tylor got married. They continued working as usual, and Sulley's new semester had just started. He was managing his work and school schedules well, much better than last semester. The classes he was taking right now seemed easier, except for the Advanced Business Writing class. There are so many essays and reports to write in the class, even more than in the English 101 class that he took last semester. Of course, Tylor was there for moral support so that Sulley does not lose motivation in any of his classes. 

"It's only been a week, and this Advanced Business Writing class is giving me too many reports and essays to do!" Sulley complained. "I swear, as a CEO of Monsters Inc., I can confirm that I don't have this much writing, and I don't make all the other employees write this much either!" 

"I completely get that," Tylor said. 

"But then again, I guess it's more reasonable for smaller companies," Sulley said. "Especially when they don't get as much as clients as we do."

"Which is also true," Tylor said. 

"Hey, thanks for listening to my complaints," Sulley said as he changed the whole atmosphere. 

"Hey, I'm your husband," Tylor said. "There is nothing we should keep to ourselves. We should always share with each other."

"You're right," Sulley said. 


After Sulley's second week, Saturday morning came. Sulley did not take a Saturday class this semester as the classes he needed to take were not offered on Saturdays. Sulley didn't mind. In fact, he was really happy about it as he wanted to spend the weekend more with his newly wedded husband. 

It was a typical Saturday morning where Tylor and Sulley got to do whatever they wanted to do. While Sulley was still sleeping around 9 in the morning, Tylor slowly and quietly woke up, walked out of bed, and started preparing breakfast for them. After fixing scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes, he placed cinnamon rolls in the oven and started baking them. While waiting for them to bake, Tylor thought of something deeply, took a deep breath through his nose, and grabbed Sulley's laptop and placed it on the dining table. He started typing rapidly on Sulley's laptop when Sulley woke up, yawned loudly with a nice stretch, and walked towards the dining room. 

"Good morning," Tylor greeted as he turned to him. 

"Morning, my love," Sulley greeted back before gently placing his hands on Tylor's shoulders and bending over slightly to kiss him. "What are you looking up?" Sulley asked.

"Oh, um, I was just looking up some adoption websites to find out how to be eligible to adopt a child," Tylor explained. "Turns out there are a lot of restrictions and requirements to fulfill before we try to adopt one."

"Adoption?" Sulley asked hopefully. "You want a child?"

"If you're okay with adoption," Tylor said as he scratched the side of his neck with his index finger.

"I'm okay with it as long as you are," Sulley said as he pulled out a chair next to him and sat on it with his eyes sparkling.

"I know it's impossible to have a biological child between us," Tylor said. "I'm not sure if I am ready to have a child, but I still want to prove that I'm eligible in the future if I decide to adopt a child."

"Well then, I should look into it, too," Sulley said as he turned the laptop so that he can also look at it. "Let's see..."

"Do you think your parents would be okay with it?" Tylor asked.

"I'm sure they'll love our child as long as we love them," Sulley said as he smiled at him to encourage him and wrapped his arm around his waist to comfort him.

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