Episode 46: Welcome Back, Tylor Tuskmon

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He felt cold sweat running down his body and his pillows and sheets were drained by his cold sweat. He stood up so quickly that he became dizzy. Even though he was dizzy, he couldn't stop thinking about the dream. He placed his hand over his forehead and thought, Why... why did have such a dream...? Is anything wrong with Tylor??? Did something happen to him??? I gotta go check that out!!! Sulley quickly got up from his bed, snatched his car keys, and quickly turned the engine on. 

He quickly drove to the hospital. While he was driving, he called the hospital to check real quick if Tylor was in an emergency situation at all. "Hi, I'm the guardian of Tylor Tuskmon, I just wanted to check if he is all right... ... ... he's all right? Oh, thank you..." Sulley sighed in relief. "It's okay if I go there, right? ... All right, I'm almost there. Thank you very much!" Since the road was almost empty at this time, he was able to arrive at the hospital in no time. He quickly went on the elevator, got to the floor where Tylor was, and checked in with the receptionist. 

"What's wrong? You sounded so urgent," the receptionist asked.

"I had a nightmare..." Sulley said. He didn't want to be too specific. "So I wanted to check in with him so that I can see with my own eyes that he's fine." 

"Go on in, he's fine," the receptionist said. Sulley went inside the room and sighed in relief after seeing Tylor's heart beating steadily. As soon as he was relieved, the dizziness he had earlier came back and made him feel nauseous. The quickly covered his mouth, headed to the bathroom, and vomited on the toilet with a large belching sound. "BLEEECHH!! BLEEEEEECH!!" 

"Sir?? Are you all right in there??" the receptionist's voice came into the bathroom. 

"I'm fine..." Sulley said as he exited the bathroom. 

"We have some kits for patients who feel nauseous, would you like me to do that?" the receptionist asked. "I can ask one of the interns to do it for you." 

"It was just something psychological, please don't worry about it," Sulley kindly rejected the offer. 

"All right, but if you really need medical attention, you're in the hospital!" the receptionist said. 

"I actually have to go back..." Sulley said. "I have a meeting with the board of directors, so I have to get some rest and prepare the presentation." 

"Good luck!" the receptionist said. 

"Good night," Sulley said as he began to step out. He safely drove back home. When he arrived back at his home, he checked the clock, which read 2:35. I hope I don't become too tired that I fall asleep during the meeting or the presentation...


Sulley woke up with a bag under his eyes. He speechlessly got ready to leave for the meeting with the board of directors. While he was getting prepared, Mike peeked into his room and asked, "Hey, Sulley. I heard you going out so quickly at dawn. Where did you go?"

"I went to go check up on Tylor," Sulley said. 

"Why around that time?" Mike asked. 

"I... I don't wanna talk about it," Sulley said. He didn't want to talk about the nightmare he had because it was... just horrible.

"All right," Mike said. "I hope it doesn't interrupt your meeting."

"I hope so too," Sulley said. After getting everything he needed, he headed out and said, "I'll see you tonight."

"See you later," Mike said as Sulley left. "You know, I could've gone instead."

"I wish too," Sulley said. "But, you know what Roze said. This meeting is too important for you to go."

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