Episode 43: Sick Sulley

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Tylor was sleeping on his bed with his whole body, including his face, covered with the blanket. When the alarm rang, he pushed his hand out of the blanket, reached for the alarm clock, and shut the alarm off. After getting out of the blanket, he cracked his back to wake himself up. He scratched his back as he headed to the bathroom to wash the drowsiness off of his face. After grooming himself, he grabbed his cell phone to check if he had any messages. As he turned his phone on, he got a call from Sulley. His facial muscles shaped a smile across his face as he saw Sulley's name on there. More like, he saved it as 'Sullbear', so he smiled as soon as the nickname 'Sullbear' popped up. "Good morning, Sullbear~" Tylor greeted as he picked up his phone. 

"Good morning..." Sulley said with a weak, shaky voice. 

"Are you alright...?" Tylor asked as he noticed Sulley's unusual voice. 

"I'm feeling sick today..." Sulley groaned. "I won't be there today..."

"Oh, dear. Is there anything I can do for you?" Tylor asked. 

"No, don't worry about me," Sulley said. "I just wanted to let you know."

"All right," Tylor said. "Get some rest, all right?" 

"Thank you, I'll see you soon," Sulley said. 

"Bye-bye, love you," Tylor said. 

"Love you, too," Sulley said. 

"Hmm..." Tylor said to himself after hanging up. He hurried down to the kitchen and talked to his mother. "Mom, what is the soup that can be quickly made?" Tylor asked.

"Soup? Are you craving soup this morning?" Millie asked. 

"It's not for me, it's for Sulley," Tylor answered. "He called in sick today, and he sounded really sick, so I figured I would cook some soup for him, and bring it to him in a thermos so that he can have it warm, or it would be quickly warmed up when Mike takes it to his house since they live together."

"My, aren't you a charming lover?" Millie said. "All right, I have some stricken stock ready. You can just boil that with some chopped ingredients."

"Perfect, I'll do that," Tylor said. Tylor chopped some ingredients, pan-fried it on the pan, poured the stricken stock to make it softer, and placed the cooked soup in the thermos bottle. 


After a long day without Sulley, Tylor walked to Mike with the thermos in his hand. 

"Hey, Mike," Tylor called.  

"Oh, hey, Tylor," Mike responded. "What's up?"

"I was just wondering since you live with him," Tylor said as he handed him the thermos of warm soup. "Can you give this to him? It's warm stricken noodle soup."

"Oh, I actually am going out of town for the weekend to see my relatives," Mike said. "Can you give it to him instead?"

"I guess I'll have to do it then," Tylor said. Before Mike apologized, Tylor said, "No need to apologize to me. I should get going."

As he exited the office, Tylor fidgeted on the thermos and thought, That means he would be alone when he's sick... should I stay for the weekend until he's better...? 

When the day was over, Tylor headed to Sulley's house. He rang the doorbell and waited until Sulley opened the door for him. As Sulley was close to the door, Tylor heard Sulley coughing as he reached for the doorknob. "Tylor...?" Sulley asked as he opened the door. Before he asked further, he coughed very aggressively several times. 

"Sounds like the fever got you so good this time," Tylor said in concern. 

"Yeah, what brings you here?" Sulley asked. 

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