Episode 27: Monsters Automobile Association

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After the night of their small celebration, Sulley and Tylor took a stroll in Downtown Monstropolis late in the morning for their date. After walking around for quite some time, they decided to sit at the bench while drinking their canned sodas they got from the vending machine. 

"Hey, Tylor, aren't you getting a bit tired of walking too much on our date?" Sulley asked.

"I don't mind much," Tylor answered. "Why?"

"If you are getting tired of walking too much," Sulley said. "Maybe I could learn to drive again so that we won't have to walk around too much."

"Don't you hate driving?" Tylor asked.

"That was during the scream shortage," Sulley said. "There is plenty of laugh energy, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to use up the energy."

"Speaking of driving," Tylor said. "I should get my driver's license soon."

"Only if the Department of Monster Vehicles were open on the weekends too," Sulley said. "They're only open on the weekdays from 7 to 5 only."

"Yeah, that's a huge downside," Tylor agreed.

"Well then," Sulley said. "Since I have Mike also in charge, and you fill your quota early, why don't we go together in the morning and come back in the afternoon?"

"Since you have your license, don't you just need to go to driving school?" Tylor asked. Sulley thought about it for a moment. He took out his driver's license and looked at the expiration date. "Huh, looks like I have 3 more years before I renew my license." He put his driver's license away and added, "Well then, I should just go to MAA to practice."

"I think our family has MAA too," Tylor said.

"MAA offers courses," Sulley said. "We should take classes together!"

"That sounds nice!" Tylor said. "It's 11 now, wanna get there before 2?"

"Let's go!" Sulley said as he hopped out of the bench. "I think there was one down the street over there."

"All right," Tylor said as he also hopped out of the bench. 


Sulley and Tylor arrived at MAA to consult. "I've never been here unless it was with my parents with their cars..." Tylor said as he was waiting for the consultant with Sulley. 

"Huh, they have maps for Monstropolis, Monstrocity, and Boostown," Sulley said as he picked each one from the rack and examined them all. 

After waiting for a few minutes, the consultant called them to consult with them.

"So, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Tuskmon," the MAA worker said. "You're both in different situations, so things will be different. Mr. Sullivan, you'll be able to take the defensive driving course immediately, and Mr. Tuskmon, you'll need to pass your permit exam before you can take the course. You'll be signed up for it, and you'll be registered immediately after you show us that you passed your permit exam." She grabbed a handbook and handed it to Tylor and said, "here, take one of these. You'll need this to study for the exam."

"Oh, thank you," Tylor received the handbook. 

"When can I get started?" Sulley asked. 

"As soon as you can," the worker answered. 

"You won't mind if I start ahead?" Sulley asked. 

"I definitely won't," Tylor replied. "'Cause you need to learn to drive soon so that you can drive me."

"Am I your taxi driver now?" Sulley joked. 

"Pretty much, I'm just kidding," Tylor snickered. 

"Anyways," the MAA worker cleared her throat. Sulley and Tylor stared back in her direction to pay attention. "After you pass the exam, you'll get your permit. All you just need to do is show us the permit so that we can go ahead and help you register for your class."

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