Episode 47: Tylor's Coma

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"Val, do you feel that?" Tylor asked.

"Yeah, I feel the floor shaking," Val said.

"Is it an earthquake??" Tylor asked.

"If it is, then we should quickly take cover!" Val said.

"Everyone! There is an earthquake happening right now!!" Tylor announced. "Take cover!"

While everyone screamed, panicked, and ran to take cover, one of the assistants tripped and fell over. "Be careful!" Tylor exclaimed as he ran towards the fallen assistant. "Are you all right?" Tylor asked as he helped her up.

"I'm fine, thank you," the assistant answered as Tylor helped her back up and stood up straight.

"Tylor! Quickly!" Val said as she ran towards him. "Hide under the desk!"

While Val was running towards him, he saw a door shaking violently and was about to fall. "Val! Look out!" Tylor said as he ran towards her when the door loosened and started to fall on top of Val. Tylor jumped to save Val from a falling roof, but Tylor got hit instead. Everyone, including Mike and Celia, gasped as they saw Tylor being hit on the head by the door and lost consciousness right on that spot. At this point, he was able to hear, but the sound started to diminish.

"Oh no... no... Tylor... no...! NO!!!" Val screamed in an alert. To Tylor, the scream was not as loud as it was supposed to be. 

"Someone call the emergency!" Mike screamed. At this point, it sounded like normal talking. 

"Hello?? 9-1-1?? There is an unconscious monster!!! He got hit by the falling door!!" Celia called. At this point, it sounded like a canned whisper. 

Am I... dying...? Tylor thought as he started to slowly lose his consciousness. No... I don't want to die... I really don't want to die... I want to live...  I really want to live... there are so many... things in life... I didn't get a chance... to do yet... I don't want to die... please... He slowly lost consciousness and couldn't think or hear anything. 


Tylor got into a coma for almost two weeks after the accident. He dreamt about his other life while he was in his coma:

When he opened his eyes, he saw the ceiling of the white, checkered pattern. He heard the heart monitor beeping. Where am I...? I... Well... I think I am alive... am I really alive...? If I am alive, then where am I...? Tylor thought as he slowly tilted his head to his left and right. 

Sulley was right there, sitting next to him, a bit surprised by him waking up. "Oh! You're finally awake!" Sulley said.

"Sulley!" Tylor exclaimed as leaped in to hug Sulley.

"Whoa! Okay," Sulley chuckled nervously. When Tylor slightly gave him a peck on his neck, Sulley freaked out and said. "WHOA!!! What do you think you're doing??" 

Tylor was confused by how disgusted Sulley was by his affection. 

"Did that headache make you go nuts or something?" Sulley asked as he rubbed the part when Tylor gave a small peck.

Tylor was still confused about why Sulley was disgusted by him, but Tylor still pretended as if they weren't lovers. "It must be... I'm sorry..." Tylor apologized as he placed his hand over his head. 

"Just come back to work tomorrow," Sulley said. "MIFTers were worried about you while you were in a coma."

"MIFT? I thought I worked as a Jokester," Tylor said. 

"You? A Jokester?" Sulley scoffed. "No offense, Tylor, but it's still in the record that we're not letting you become a Jokester at Monsters Inc. You can't even make the kids laugh, why would we even let you become a Jokester? You should feel appreciated, even lucky to be recognized as one of the top MIFTer." Tylor went into deep thought as he did not look at Sulley. "Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and get discharged. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

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