Episode 35: Back to Monsters University Part 3

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When the clock hit 12 PM, the exam proctor called, "Pencils down! Don't fill out another bubble!" Everyone groaned as they placed their pencils down. Sulley was just about done checking his scantrons three times. He made sure that he got everything right on everything he knew. For the ones that he was not sure of, he did not touch them. He did fix number 24 after using the information from number 87. "All right, we will return at 1 PM for the essay portion of the exam. Please have your blue books ready by then and enjoy your lunch," the exam proctor announced. Sulley went to go grab the lunch that Tylor packed for him and exited the building. 

He stepped outside of the building and sat on the nearest bench to open the lunch. There was salmonella steak with tar sauce, smushroom salad, steamed mixed brown and white lice, and a slice of sleazecake. "Oh? There is a note inside," Sulley said to himself as he pulled the note out. 

It read,

Hey, Sulley!

By the time you read this letter, you must have completed the multiple-choice section of the exam! I'm sure you did well! I packed some nutritious lunch for you! They said fish is brain food, so make sure you eat that! Don't be too full during the exam, or else you'll get into a food coma. Now, eat up, and go slay that essay portion! 
I love you!

From your loving boyfriend, Tylor

"Aww..." Sulley moaned as he placed the letter on his chest. After savoring Tylor's love, he started to savor Tylor's cooking. "Mmm..." Sulley moaned as he chewed on the steak. "Was he always this good at cooking? Or did his mother make it? Either way, it's still very thoughtful."

After finishing everything Tylor packed for him, it was 15 minutes before the essay portion of the exam started. Sulley took this time to sit back on his chair, chew some gum, and quietly meditate so that he can calm his nerves before the essay portion as he felt that he was not able to fully prepare for it. The information that Tylor got from the librarian only helped the multiple-choice section, Sulley thought. Besides the personal statement essays, I haven't written essays in... how many years? I don't remember... I didn't pay that much of attention in English classes in college and even in high school! I should have been diligent with writing... 

As he regretted not practicing writing in the past, the essay portion of the exam was about to begin so the students started to enter the testing room. The footsteps of students entering back into the room made Sulley become even more anxious. Sulley took deep, silent, calming breaths before the test proctor announced, "All right, everybody, please sit down! We will now begin the essay portion of the exam!" 

Sulley patiently waited until the test proctor handed him a piece of paper with the list of prompts. When the test proctor announced the start of the essay portion of the exam, he opened the blue book, and carefully read over the three prompts that he was required to write about. He jotted down the ideas for each of the prompts before formatting his essay. He went back and forth with the essays and eventually finished writing all the essays exactly at 3:59 PM. He deeply sighed as he massaged his fingers, palms, and arms as they were sore from writing too much. 

At 4 PM, the test proctor collected all the blue books for the essays portion. By that time, Sulley has dropped his pen and sighed deeply as he leaned against the back of his chair. "Good work today. I hope that you get the best results," the test proctor said as he placed all the tests in the box and exited the room. Sulley did not feel like moving for a while. 

"Are you all right?" the exam proctor chuckled as he approached him.

"I'm really exhausted," Sulley answered truthfully. 

"We're gonna have a lecture in here soon around 4:30, so..." the exam proctor said. 

"Oh, right, sorry," Sulley said as he started to collect all of his stuff. "You guys lecture during breaks, too?"

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