Episode 2: Soothing Compliments

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"Yes, mom and dad," Tylor said as he was calling his parents through the payphone in the company. Sulley lets the worker use them for free as long as they swipe their employee cards before using them. "I arrived on time. I checked in early. No, I'm not nervous. After my first day, I think I'm becoming more confident than before. Yes, dad, I'm fine, I told you, no one drank during staff dinner. Oh, that was because of the spicy meatballs. Yes, I'll do well. I'm becoming a better Jokester now. Don't worry, I'll help Monstropolis get all the power that they need. Yeah, I love you both, too. Bye." He gently hung up the phone. 

"You seem to call your parents often," Sulley said. 

"Oh, sorry," Tylor said. "They just want to know that I'm safe since I walked here today."

"No, it's nothing to be sorry about," Sulley chuckled. "I like how familial you are. I should learn from you and try calling my old folks more often."

"Well, I live with them, so they check up on me often," Tylor explained.

"Oh, you do?" Sulley asked. "I don't remember the last time I lived with my parents. It was probably before I entered university, but who's counting?"

"I wish I could, but it's really expensive to live alone these days," Tylor said. 

"That's right," Sulley said. "Thank goodness I'm living with my best friend who is also a perfect roommate for me."

The bell rang to indicate the Jokesters to get ready for the Laugh floor. 

"Well, good luck out there, Tylor," Sulley said as he smiled at him warmly.

"Thank you, Sulley," Tylor said as he smiled back at him.

"I'll be back before lunchtime," Sulley said as he tapped his shoulder gently and headed to his office. 

Tylor watched him walk away. He sure is a nice boss, much nicer than the ones I used to have when I worked part-time. Probably the best boss I'm ever going to have.


Tylor exited the door as the child was laughing hysterically. 

"Good one, Tylor!" Val complimented. "For the first time, you actually filled the whole can!"

"Really? Wow, I'm impressed!" Tylor said as he looked at the full can himself. 

"Gotta pat yourself in the back," Val said. "And there is some glaze and sprinkles left on your face."

"Oh, thanks," Tylor said as he looked in the mirror. Before he wiped that off his face, he decided to keep it instead. "Actually, this looks even funnier, I'll just keep it."

"Good idea, actually," Val said. 

Tylor thought for a moment as he tasted some crumbs in his mouth. "Hey, Val, since it's gonna cost too much buying donuts every day, do you think maybe I should get fake donuts so that I can reuse them every day every time," he suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," Val said. "Only downside is that the MIFTers don't get to eat them in the end."

"Yeah, but some of them has gotten into my mouth and my nose," Tylor said. 

"Which is why I had none of them," Val said. "You were making a kid laugh with it, so who knows what has happened to them?"

"You're very quick-witted," Tylor said. 

Just then, the bell rang for lunchtime. "Lunchtime!" Val said. "Let's head to the maintenance office to have lunch."

"You go on ahead," Tylor said. "I need to get my lunchbox real quick."

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