Episode 57: Feasts

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Tylor squirmed on the bed. So hungry... he opened his eyes and took a peek at Sulley who was sleeping soundly. He was snoring, but his snore sounded like music to Tylor's ears. So handsome... Tylor thought before he quietly got up and headed down to the fridge. He took out leftovers from dinner, some fruits, and some pastries. He also took out some bags of salty horn chips to eat with leftover dinner. Tylor quietly placed the leftovers in the microwave and took them out 10 seconds before the microwave went 'ding'. As the food was warm enough, Tylor sat down and started to stuff his face with the late-night feast.

Sulley cuddled the pillow and realizes that he wasn't cuddling Tylor. He woke up and went to the bathroom to see if he was vomiting, only to see that the bathroom was empty. While wondering, Sulley heard munching and crunching sounds downstairs and headed down.

"Tylor?" Sulley asked. When Tylor noticed Sulley entering the dining room he chewed more slowly while his mouth was still full and his cheeks expanded side to side. After Tylor swallowed some of the mouthfuls, Sulley spoke up, trying not to laugh at his puffy cheeks filled with tormento spaghetti. "What are you doing up?"

"I was just... hungry..." Tylor said as he swallowed about three-quarters of the food that was in his mouth. "And I've been advised to eat whenever I'm hungry since I experience morning sickness more often and vomit a lot during the day."

"You could've asked me to help you," Sulley said as he pulled out the chair next to him and sat on it with the back of the chair in front of him and rested his arms against the back of the chair.

"I didn't want to wake you up," Tylor said as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. "You have midterms tomorrow."

"But I can always help out my husband for his needs," Sulley said as he wiped off the sauce that was on his cheek with his thumb. "And also our baby that he's carrying. You have to get so much food for both of you so that our baby can be born healthy and energetic." Sulley licked the sauce off of his thumb.

"Thanks, Sullbear," Tylor said as he picked his fork back up, twirled the tormento spaghetti, and stabbed it to pick it up. "Why don't you get some rest? I'll clean up afterward."

"Think again, you're going to finish your food, and I'll clean up afterward," Sulley said as he caressed Tylor's cheek that was expanded by the tormento spaghetti. "Also if you need to vomit, make sure to wake me up."

"If I try to wake you up," Tylor said before he took a bite. "I might end up throwing up on our bed."

"I'll wash the sheets," Sulley winked. 

"What if I throw up on you?" Tylor asked.

"I don't see a problem with taking a shower," Sulley chuckled. 

"You're helpless," Tylor chuckled as he pushed the food to the right side of his cheek. 

"By the way, if our child is born," Sulley said as he touched Tylor's belly. "How should he or she address each of us? Since we're both gonna be daddies for the baby."

"I was thinking," Tylor said as he sliced a piece of the beast loaf before putting it in his mouth. "I can be 'daddy' and you can be 'papa'."

"Suits each of us well, don't you think?" Sulley asked as he looked up. 

"That's exactly why I decided it that way," Tylor said with a light chuckle. "I was thinking of labeling myself as 'mommy' and you can be 'daddy', but you know, I want to start making it okay to have two dads or two moms and can still be a family."

"Very insightful," Sulley said. 

"I'm sure there are other monster couples like us but are still too afraid to be judged and discriminated against," Tylor said. "I want us to be the first one to be openly... different about this, I don't know if that's the right word."

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