Episode 73: Full-Time CEO, Student, and Father

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A/N: Hello everyone. I just came back after watching the whole Season 2 of Monsters At Work. I decided to make this story "AU of Season 1" because this was written before Season 2 was aired. So, I hope there isn't any confusion. I might write another fanfic similar maybe same with the storyline of AU after Season 2 because of the new characters and plots and everything. I hope this new Season 2 doesn't cause any confusion on this fanfic. 

Plus, I really loved Season 2 it was amazing!! Even in Season 2, the ship is still in the air between Tylor x Sulley ;) Is it just me or were some things in Season 2 parallel to what I wrote? 

Sulley was now taking more classes that were more discussion and research-based rather than lecture-based. "Wow, these classes really look like you take to get your master's," Tylor said as he read the description of each class Sulley was taking. 

"Yeah, it looks like I'm writing more papers," Sulley said. "It is based on business and management, so I hope my CEO experience helps with all of these classes." 

"I hope you're not going to stress yourself out with all of the things on your plate," Tylor said worriedly. 

"I'll be fine," Sulley said. "I can be a Full-time CEO, student, and a father." 

"I don't want you to overwork yourself..." Tylor said. "Burnout is pretty easily earned and it takes a lot to overcome that." 

"Don't worry about me, MyTy," Sulley said as he held Tylor's hands. "I'll be fine. I mean, yes, I now have 'parenting' on my plate now, but I'm sure things are going to work out."

"Please let me know if you need some break, and I'm willing to do anything to help you with your CEO work if you really need me to fill in," Tylor said. 

"Thanks," Sulley chuckled. They embraced and kissed lovingly. 


"All right, Zia~" Tylor said. "Promise dada and papa not to cry so much when with grandma and grandpa~"

Zenovia cooed. 

"Okay, here comes nothing..." Tylor said as he gently handed Zenovia over to Tylor's mother and Zenovia's grandmother. 

"Oh, please, please..." Sulley said to himself behind Tylor. 

Zenovia started to process the sensation from being in Tylor's arms into Millie's arms. Thankfully, she did not cry. "Oh, this is the first time you didn't cry after leaving dada's arms~" Tylor said in his baby voice. "I am so proud of you, my little princess~~" 

"Whew, thank goodness..." Sulley said in relief as he exhaled the tension out of his body. 

"Let's just hope that she doesn't cry after you leave..." Millie said. 

"I hope not either..." Bernard said. 

"She just needs to bond with you more," Tylor said. "No matter how much she loves you guys, she will still feel anxious when her dada and papa are not around, and she just needs to be around you more so that she can get used to not having us around..."

"And my parents, too," Sulley added. 

"Although I do feel bad leaving her to you every day..." Tylor said. "You understand dada and papa, right~? We're doing this for you~~" 

Zenovia placed her hands on Tylor's fingers. 

"Dada will make it up to you when he comes back from work today, okay? Dada loves you~" Tylor said and pecked her on her forehead. 

"Papa loves you so much too~" Sulley said. "I love you my sweet little angel~" Sulley also pressed his lips on to her cheek and gave it a playful blow. Zenovia giggled by the ticklish sensation. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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