Episode 38: Confessing to Parents Part 1

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Everyone at Monsters Inc. now knows that not only Sulley and Tylor are a couple, but they also know how mushy they can be when others are not around. Sulley had to go to his class that started at 5:30 and ended at 6:45, so Tylor had to go home alone today, which he did not mind at all. He walked back home as he remembered the time when he and Sulley walked back home together. He missed those days, but he wanted Sulley to do what he loves, so Tylor only let those memory flow as happy memories rather than yearning. 

"I'm home!" Tylor greeted excitedly as he entered his home.  

"Welcome back, sweetie!" Millie said. 

"Just in time for dinner! Go ahead and get washed up!" Bernard said. 

"All right," Tylor said as he washed his hand in the bathroom and headed to the dinner table. 

"How was your day?" Millie asked. 

"It went smoothly," Tylor said. "As long as nothing bad happens, even the typical ordinary days seem like a good day."

"You're speaking like a middle-aged man," Barnard said. Tylor snickered. 

"Tylor, sweetheart. I was just wondering," Millie said. "We're not trying to rush you or anything, but are you ready to have a girlfriend yet?" 

"Uh, why?" Tylor asked. 

"There is a worker in our hardware store," Bernard said. "And his daughter just went through a breakup, and wants a nice young monster to go out with."

"Here is her photo," Millie said as she showed Tylor the photo. 

She was stunning. Her hair was wavy like the elegant waves of the ocean, her skin was smooth, her lips were glowing, her eyes were sparkling, her smile was bright, and her ears were petite, and overall she was the definition of beauty. However, to Tylor, she was nowhere attractive as Sulley. 

"No, thanks, mom, dad," Tylor said. 

"All right," Millie said. 

"What a shame, she is a fine young lady," Bernard said. 

"I'm just not ready for a relationship yet," Tylor lied. He could not tell his parents that he was dating the CEO of Monsters Inc., and the CEO was the same gender as he is. He did not have an ounce of courage to mention that. 

After dinner, Tylor quietly dismissed himself and lay down in his bed to try to fall asleep. I need to tell them... Tylor thought as he rolled around his bed. If they know I'm single, they're going to try to find some girls to date or plan to marry. I don't want to do that when Sulley is my lover. But... what if they don't agree with me...? What if they don't come around...? What if they start to hate me for being in a relationship with a man...? What if they decide to abandon me after I come out to them...? I've seen plenty of teenagers being kicked out of home as soon as their parents found out that they're gay or lesbian. I might have to live under an overpass until I can find a place to stay. My salary went up, but it's not enough to save up when I need to start paying for rent. I can't afford to buy a property yet! I'm gonna have a seriously hard time when that happens... oh... what am I gonna do...? 

These thoughts dominated Tylor's head throughout the night and he couldn't sleep properly. He ended up staying up the majority of the night as the concern consumed his ability to fall asleep. 

He woke up the next day looking like a zombie. Sulley even noticed bags under Tylor's eyes. "Did you stay up the whole night...?" Sulley asked in concern. 

"I did... actually..." Tylor said as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"What happened?" Sulley asked.

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