Episode 33: Back to Monsters University Part 1

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On Saturday morning, Sulley started cleaning the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and his own bedroom. Because it was a complete mess, he spent a lot of time cleaning up. After cleaning the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen, he entered his bedroom and started cleaning. He took extra care with the picture frames, especially the drawing he got from Boo.

While cleaning, he opened the drawer of his old stuff. When he opened it, the first thing that caught his attention was his student ID card from Monsters University. He had his hair up, proud smile, and he was slimmer than he is now. He picked it up and stared at it for a long time. "I wonder if I would do good now," Sulley said as he started to be curious about college life. He talked to himself as he closed the drawer, "Sure, I have a full-time career now, but I still want the actual experience of being a university student. I never paid attention in class. I really want to focus in the class and learn something."

After making his room spotless, Sulley headed to the dining room, opened his laptop, and visited the Monsters University website. "Can expelled students go back to Monsters University?" Sulley asked himself as he typed it. The results came. He read the results, "The students who were expelled from Monsters University may be eligible to reapply after a minimum of 4 years after expulsion."

Sulley thought for a second. He wanted to start his post-secondary education all over again, but he already had his heart set on Monsters University even though he did not want to be a Scare major anymore. He definitely did not want to go to Fear Tech. Even though he wasn't sure if the university was going to accept his admission, he still decided to look through the catalog to see which major he should major in besides Scare major.

"Hmm... anthropology... art... biology... biochemistry... oh, business?" While scrolling through the page, he noticed the School of Business and Economics. "I should major in this. If they accept me of course..." Sulley said to himself as he clicked on the link that led him to the website of School of Business and Economics of Monsters University. While he was reading about it, there was a knock on the door. "If it's a knock, it's gotta be Tylor," he said to himself as he walked to the door to open it for him. When he opened it, Tylor was standing there, smiling, holding a tray wrapped with aluminum foil. "Hello, MyTy," Sulley greeted.

"Hey, Sullbear," Tylor called as Sulley opened the door for him. "I made you some dinner! It's not some microwave dinner, I learned the recipe from my mom and cooked it myself. It's not as good as hers but I'm sure it still tastes good."

"Oh, thank you, MyTy," Sulley said as he received the tray.

"So, what are you doing?" Tylor asked as he walked inside.

"I've been looking back at the MU site," Sulley said as he led Tylor to the dining table where he had his laptop set up.

"Are you thinking of going back?" Tylor asked as he looked at Sulley's laptop that had the MU site opened.

"Yeah, even though I was expelled, I can still be considered for readmission after a certain period of time," Sulley said as he sat down after pulling out the chair next to his seat so that Tylor can sit. "I still want to go back and get my degree."

"I assume you don't want to major in Scaring anymore," Tylor said as he sat on the chair Sulley pulled out for him and scooched over to Sulley.

"That's right," Sulley said as he clicked on the other tab where he had the information about the majors offered at MU. "I was looking into a business major. That would suit me better these days."

"I know you'll be great!" Tylor said as he brought his hands together. "Since you've been a CEO, you'll definitely rock the classes, and those classes would help you with your position as CEO."

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