Episode 56: A Big News

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While sleeping, Tylor had a lot of thoughts in his mind. What if I don't become a good parent for the baby...? Tylor thought worriedly. What will happen when I don't raise the child correctly? I've seen plenty of children not being raised well. Would I be able to set a good example for the baby? What will happen when the child is bullied for having two dads? The baby would definitely blame me and Sulley. Would we be okay? Wait, what will happen during childbirth? Will it hurt? Will I die when I give birth to the baby? That happens a lot. What happens when the baby dies after giving birth? What if... I die... after giving birth...? What about during pregnancy...? Even the morning sickness was pretty bad today, will it get worse throughout the pregnancy. Wait! What happens if I make a mistake?? What would I do when I go through a miscarriage?? I would not be able to forgive myself!! All of these thoughts made Tylor worry too much that he started to weep his tears soaked up the pillow. He tried not to weep so loudly, but even the soft sobbing sound woke Sulley up.

"Hm...?" Sulley responded as he woke up. "Tylor...? Are you... are you crying...?"

Instead of answering, Tylor's weeping sound got a little more audible.

"Tylor...? Wha-what's wrong?" Sulley asked.

Tylor's weep started to turn into a louder sob. Sulley started to cuddle him warmly without asking him any other questions. Although that made Tylor feel better, he started to cry even louder as he wiped his endlessly drooping tears.


When Tylor calmed down, Sulley and Tylor were sitting in the kitchen, drinking hot cocoa. After taking a sip of the hot cocoa, he let the warm, sweet cocoa slide down through his throat and spread the warmth throughout his chest, and sighed deeply in satisfaction. 

"So, what was in your mind?" Sulley asked.

"I just started to worry about a lot of things that might happen during pregnancy, and what would happen after I give birth to this baby," Tylor said. Sulley did not interrupt him while Tylor was listing out the things that made him worry. "What will happen to me during pregnancy? What would I do when the baby dies? Do you think I would be okay? Even if our baby can be safely delivered, how much will it hurt during labor? What will happen after the baby is born? Do you think we would be good parents? What happens if the child is bullied for having two dads? Our child would start to blame us when that happens and say something like they shouldn't have been born. I'm really afraid that these are going to happen."

"I see," Sulley said. He held his hand to comfort Tylor as he said, "No matter where you are or how you feel, I'll be there for you. I know, this is all new for you, and I can't say that I know how you feel, but I will always be there for you and do my very best to make you feel safe and comfortable. Plus, when the kid is being bullied for any reason, I'll figure out some way to shut that down because I swear, if anyone does anything to my family, I don't care what it takes, I will ruin that monster."

"I keep forgetting about that," Tylor smiled with relief.

"And I will never be tired of repeating myself," Sulley said. "I won't get tired of saying that like how I never get tired of saying 'I love you'."

"Thanks, Sullbear," Tylor said.

"Wanna go visit Dr. Yank's office to get some consultation?" Sulley suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that," Tylor said as he finished the last drop of his hot cocoa.

"If you're done with that, I can clean that for you," Sulley said.

"Oh, you don't have to," Tylor said.

"Come on," Sulley said as he took the mug. "I'm not going to let my pregnant husband do the chores." Sulley took the mugs to the sink, carefully washed them, and placed them in the drying rack. Tylor was waiting for him at the kitchen table. "You could have just headed back to the bed."

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